"Fine? You're fine?" she repeats. "There's news reports all over Facebook that that bar you go to was shot up! Is that why you are injured?"
I groan, covering my face. "Please stop yelling. My head hurts."
"Do not tell me what to do Rylee Selwood. I am your Mother."
"Well, you're not a very good one!" I snap back, instantly regretting the words leaving my mouth. I'm tired, stressed, and not in the mood for any of this.
Mom steps back into Gareth, shock on her face. "I'm so disappointed in you, Rylee. I don't know what's worse – that you are out with the bikers again, or that I find you in bed with your stepbrother."
I fling back the blankets, grabbing my clothes from the ground. I quickly pull them on with my back turned to our parents, ignoring them.
"Asher, get dressed as well. We are going to be having a discussion about this," I hear Gareth say.
Asher sighs in frustration and I hear him move behind me, probably getting dressed too.
I go to walk past Mom but she steps in front of me.
"Oh, no. You're not just walking away right now. You head straight to your room."
"I'm not a child," I say through clenched teeth.
Mom scoffs. "Then stop acting like one!"
I barge past her, kicking open my bedroom door with force as I walk in. She's hot on my trail a few seconds later, closing the door behind her.
"I have absolutely no idea what has gotten into you these days. I raised you better than that," she starts.
I whip around, staring at her incredulously. "You haven't raised me for a long time. That's the God honest truth, Mom. And Asher and I weren't doing anything! We were just taking a nap. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a bit beat up and sore right now. I just wanted a little rest."
She raises an eyebrow at my words. In the hallway, I can hear Asher and Gareth walk past, heated words flowing between them as well.
"You nap in your own bed, Rylee. Not in your brother's bed, in your underwear!"
She says the last part with such disgust that it makes my eyes tear up.
"He's not my brother," I argue. "We're not blood related."
We go into a stare-off, our identical colored eyes glaring at the other.
"Are you having sex with him?" she asks finally, her voice hostile and crisp.
I shrug, looking away. "So what if I am? You can't help who you fall in love with."
Chapter 5
I hold my breath as I wait for her reply, hoping that maybe she'll see reason. If she knows it's not just some reckless fling, maybe it will make it easier for her.
"You can pack your stuff and get out," she whispers, turning around to head towards the door.
"What?!" I yell. "You're kicking me out? Your own daughter, who has just been through Hell?"
Mom pauses without looking back at me.
"You're not my daughter anymore, Rylee. I don't know who you are these days. But until you grow up, I'm not going to have you destroy this family with your impulsive behavior."
She swings open the door, storming out before I can respond.