Focus Kourtney.
I watch as he seems to war with himself on what to say and the correct way to answer. “I knew something was wrong. I could feel it. You weren’t yourself, and I wanted to see what happened so I could fix it.”
I release a breath at that. How can I be mad at the invasion of privacy when he did it because he was worried about me? But still…
“How often do you watch me, Tiny?”
Shaking his head, he turns a hard glare back on me. “That doesn’t matter. Who is that man, Kourtney?”
“What do you mean it doesn't matter? Do you watch me often?”
“Who is that man, Kourtney?” he asks sternly.
I stare defiantly into his eyes. His eyes don’t falter one bit, shit. Fine.
His brows rise with surprise. “Ben? Your ex?”
“That’s the one.”
“What the fuck does he want? Why is he here?”
I roll my eyes and shrug. “Fuck if I know!” Tiny lets out a growl at my attitude, causing me to roll my eyes again. “He cornered me at my office. Why are you mad at me!”
“Woah, woah, woah, baby. I’m not mad at you. I just need to know what the fuck he’s doing here so I can get fucking rid of him, but only after breaking every last bone in both his hands for thinking he can fucking touch you.”
His aggression has my belly tightening, and not in a bad way. His possession does something to my insides. Something very nice.
That, along with him watching me when we aren’t together, all because he’s thinking about me? Yum.
What the fuck is wrong with you, Kourtney. Jesus.
“What did he say to you?”
“He came with Matt. Something about supporting his brother to get Evie back.”
“Is that all? Why did he grab your face?”
I throw my hands up. Does he think it’s my fault that Ben grabbed me?
“Wait, I can tell in your face that you think I’m blaming you for that.” Tiny bends down to my level. “Look in my eyes, honey.” I obey his command and take a breath at the severity of his gaze. “Never, in the history of ever or in the future, is it ever the woman’s fault for a man to touch them forcefully in any way. Do you understand me?”
Biting my lip, I nod.
“Let me rephrase. What happened before he took that step?”
“H-he told me he missed me,” my voice shakes. “Then, when he said how we were good together, I said no. He didn’t like that.”
Tiny gently grasps my thighs in encouragement, so I continue. I tell him everything, from the second Ben walked in and every word said until he left.
“You know that’s not true, right?”
I scoff, wiping my thumb along the tear I didn’t mean to let escape.
Holding my face ever so gently in his big hands, he whispers, “Baby, look at me.”
I bring my blurry vision up to his once again. My chest constricts as he runs his thumbs underneath both of my eyes. “I love you,” he says, searching my eyes, rendering me completely speechless.