Page 90 of Tiny's Law

If I could just answer it, he could sense that something’s wrong, right?

Matt ticks. “Don’t even think about it.”

Words fail me as I try to clear my throat. “If I don’t answer, he’ll show up.”

Matt shrugs. “We’ll all be dead by then anyway. Doesn’t matter.”

My eyes widen. He said, ‘We’ll.’ Does that mean he plans on turning this into a murder-suicide?

Evie whimpers from her place, still on the floor.

“What do you mean, Matt? What are you planning on doing?”

My phone starts ringing again, and this time, stupidity wins as I lunge for it. Matt’s quicker than I am, and he sweeps his arm across the counter, sending my bag flying across the kitchen. The phone immediately stops ringing. He probably broke the thing.

A sob tears through my chest as I finally allow the true severity of the situation to settle over me. Evie and I are about to die at the hands of her ex-husband. And there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it.

I just wish I could tell Tiny and my parents that I love them one last time, and I really hope that Tiny doesn’t actually have access to my cameras. I would hate for him to live with the memory of seeing this.

Chapter 28


My second call to Kourtney gets ignored after the third ring. “What the fuck?” I mumble to myself.

Tex, Razor, and Ghost turn toward me, having heard my curse. “Everything alright?” Ghost asks before taking a swallow of his beer.

“I’m not sure.” My brow furrows as I open Kourtney’s security cameras to see why she isn’t answering.

I’m already pushing off my stool, dread pooling in my stomach as the app takes way longer than normal to load.

My phone thuds against the floor and all the blood drains from my face at the sight that meets me when the app finally loads.

“What’s going on, brother?” I vaguely hear Tex ask.

Razor grabs my phone off the floor because I’m already on my way to my bike.

“Shit, we gotta go,” Razor calls from behind me.

I hear boots pound on the pavement behind me as I straddle my bike. Razor hands me my phone before I take off, and just as I’m about to hit the throttle, I look at the screen one more time.

I roar out as I watch Matt pistol whip Kourtney across the face.

That mother fucker is dead.

Fear eats me alive as I race to Kourtney’s house. Three bikes follow behind me, and the town of Desert Rose must really be on my side because there isn’t one thing in my way the entire way there.

When I get there, I don’t even park my bike. I drop the damn thing to the road and sprint inside.

Kourtney’s unconscious body lays awkwardly on the floor, blood pooling from the flesh wound at her forehead. Her chest rises and falls with breaths. Satisfied that she’s alive, I turn to Matt and Evie.

Evie’s curled into a ball on the floor as Matt waves the gun at her. “You’re next if you don’t shut the fuck up!” he screams, not even having noticed my presence. He must be way too far gone to have not noticed me bust in here.

Ghost, Razor, and Tex fly in behind me. I immediately regret not grabbing my gun when Matt finally senses us in the room. Ghost curses.

“Nice of you to join our party, boys,” Matt sneers. “It seems the little bitch was right. She said you’d come, although I was honestly hoping we were all dead by then.” He kicks Kourtney’s limp foot. “Well, better late than never.” Matt lifts the gun from where he had it pointed at Evie and points it at Kourtney.

I don’t think. I just jump. My shoulder hits his midsection as I tackle him to the floor. I’ve never been more thankful for my training than I am in this instance as I fight to disarm him. Unfortunately, his finger was on the trigger when I hit him, and based on the fire burning through my shoulder, I’d say I was hit in the process.