He goes to scream over my shoulder, but the idiot oversteps and trips on his own feet, tumbling into me.
So much for calm.
I shove him off of me, snickering down at him as he lands on my porch on his ass. His expensive suit has definitely seen better days. Wrinkles cover his entire body as if he’s been wearing the same suit for days in a row. Based on the crazed look in his eyes and the dark circles beneath them, I’d say he hasn’t slept in days, either.
I’d put money on him being on something. Not sure what, but he’s definitely not sober.
“You’ll tell me where my wife is this instance. I know you have her.” It takes him two tries, but he finally pushes back to his feet and waves his finger in my face again. I’m two seconds from breaking that fucking finger. “I’ll call the police!”
That earns an amused chuckle to break free. “Go ahead, buddy. What are you going to tell them? You’re ex-wife is visiting her nephew, and she won’t talk to you?”
“I’ll tell them you kidnapped her! You’re holding her hostage!” he screams in my face. “You forget I’m a well-known lawyer, buddy,” he screams, pushing out his chest in a pitiful attempt to be intimidating. I roll my eyes. “I know just what to say to get them to search this house and get you thrown in jail! All you have to do is release my wife to me, and I won’t say a word. Evelyn!” he starts screaming her name again.
I take a step back like I’m going to close the door in his face when he shoots his hand out to stop me. I let him, knowing damn well if I wanted to, I could easily put him back on his ass again and slam the door in his face.
“Get me my wife, now,” he says through clenched teeth.
“Get the fuck off my property, Matt. And don’t you ever go near Kourtney again. Do I make myself clear?”
In the blink of an eye, he regains composure, settling back on his feet. Running his hands down his suit coat, he buttons it back together and combs his hair back before taking a breath. What the fuck?
“What are you going to do about it if I do?”
My eyes harden, and I drop my voice to a tone that does not give a singular millimeter of opportunity to mistake my severity. “I will fucking kill you if you touch a single hair on her head.”
He smirks, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Are you threatening me, you criminal?”
“I thought you were a well-known lawyer,” I mock him. “Even a peon like me knows to be considered a criminal, you have to have some sort of record. News flash, buddy, look my name up. You won’t find a single goddamn thing aside from my many decorations from the Marines.”
I smile as his face reddens in anger.
“Now, like I said, get the fuck off my property.”
I expect some sort of argument. I don’t expect him to spin on his heel with a nod. Just as he gets to the walkway leading to my driveway, he turns back. “You can tell Evelyn I’ll be seeing her.”
“No, the fuck you won’t.”
He smirks. “We’ll see.”
I slam the door closed, flicking the lock as I sigh in frustration.
“Remind me why I didn’t rip his fucking throat out?”
Evie’s small voice comes from her hiding spot next to the door. “Thank you, Nathan.”
“You need to stay the fuck away from him, Ev. I mean it.”
She nods swiftly, tears pooling in her eyes. “I will. I swear it.”
“You won’t leave this house until they leave town. He looks unstable.”
She nods again and rushes me with a hug. I squeeze her to me before turning towards my office. “Keep the fucking curtains closed, and don’t answer the damn door. I need to make a few calls and lay the fuck down, my head is throbbing.”
Stopping in my office, I blow out a puff of air as I watch Kourtney on the screen working on her computer on her couch. I triple-check that her security alarm is armed. I’m not even sure if they know where she lives, but this is a small town. I’m sure between the two of them, Matt or Ben could convince someone to tell them where the pretty new lawyer lives.
Calling Ghost, I fill him in on everything that I know so far before calling one of my guys from my company to watch my house when I’m not here.
I can barely keep my eyes open during both conversations. I practically crawl to the couch in the corner of my office and barely make it on the damn thing before I pass out.