Page 34 of Tiny's Law

Finally getting the door open, I roughly pull Tiny in behind me. Not even giving a shit where anything lands, I throw my bag and rip out of my coat, dropping it right where we stand.

He chuckles at me, and unlike me, he carefully takes off his jacket and the cut underneath it. I watch, enraptured, as he gently drapes them both over the back of my couch. Once he’s content that they aren’t going anywhere, I audibly swallow as his heated stare turns back to me. Then, as if no time passed between the front door and now, he stalks at me like a predator going after its prey.

I don’t know what comes over me or what possesses me to do it, but I spin on my heels and take off running towards my bedroom, which happens to be on the complete opposite side of the house.

Goosebumps erupt all over my body at the sinister laugh that escapes Tiny from somewhere behind me. Excitement flares inside me at the thought of him chasing me down and catching me.

I don’t know where these feelings come from, but I’m not even a single bit mad about it. Once I get to my bedroom, I slam the door behind me, not bothering to lock it. A nervous feeling rushes through me, and I realize that there is physically nowhere else for me to go. He’s obviously going to catch me in here.

My breathing increases at the sound of his footsteps in the hall right outside of my room. I didn’t turn the light in here on, and the darkness plays into the edgy game I seem to have thrown us right into.

The door creaks open, and my breath hitches at the sexiest sight I think I will ever see in my entire life. That’s it. This is it. I’m done for, and I don’t think there will ever be another moment in my life that will live up to this one.

I slowly back away from the door, not able to rip my eyes off of the mouthwatering man taking up the entirety of the door frame. I mean, hell, the light in the hallway is on but he’s so large that he nearly blocks the entire thing, blocking the light almost completely.

Somewhere along the way, Tiny ripped his shirt off and kicked his shoes off, so the chest-heaving man in front of me is shirtless and barefoot. Dark jeans are the only thing obstructing my view of his delicious body.

I let out a whimper when my eyes jump to his face at the sound of a low growl escaping his throat. The heat in his eyes flares with possession.

I’m stunned, speechless, and immobile as he saunters the rest of the way into the room, stopping with his bare feet an inch away from the tips of my boots.

He cocks his head, a sinister smile parting his lips. “You like to be chased?

A giggle escapes my lips, and goosebumps erupt along my arms. “I have absolutely no clue why the hell I did that.”

He chuckles while reaching out and delicately taking a tendril of my hair between his fingers. “I can’t say I’ve ever had a woman run away from me like that, but I will say it was hot as fuck. And catching you is even better.”

A shiver works its way up my spine. He isn’t even touching me anywhere that I can feel, but the anticipation is wreaking havoc inside me.

“But now that I’ve caught you, what do I do with you?”

The wetness pooling between my thighs at the sultry tone in his voice is ruining my shorts. But I can’t bring myself to care. It could be running down my thighs and staining the carpet beneath my feet. I. Would. Not. Fucking. Care.

“What do you want to do with me?” I ask, my breath hitching as he brushes my hair behind my back. His fingertips rub ever so lightly down my shoulder blades on the way down.

“Hmm. So many options.”

I swallow and my eyes roll to the back of my head when his fingers trace along the back of my ribs. I force my eyes back open and am granted the sight of him biting his full lip. “L-like what?”

I whimper in protest when he pulls his hands away, rubbing it along his jaw in thought. “I could punish you for making me chase you.” Shaking his head, he chuckles at my frown. “Nah. That won’t do it. Hmm. Options, options.”

“Tiny, I am so turned on right now that if you don’t touch me within the next two minutes, I am going to fucking explode.”

I watch in admiration as Tiny’s eyes widen in approval. If he isn’t used to women telling him what they want, he’s going to learn something new today. I am not shy with what I want, and what I want right this second is his hands on me, all over me.

“You like when I touch you?” he asks, running his fingertips along my hairline, before settling one hand on my throat and the other gripping tightly at my hip.

“Mmm,” I moan as he kneads my flesh. “So fucking much.” My eyes flutter closed when he tightens his fist around my throat and I smile.

“Fuck!” I hear him shout right before his lips possessively take mine.

I groan out loud and scream in excitement on the inside as he pushes his tongue inside my mouth. The deathgrip he has on my neck keeps me from deepening the kiss, but it’s almost as if he can read my thoughts as he pulls me roughly by the hip into him. It’s laughable that I even try to overpower his kiss. He proves to me very quickly that he is the one in charge here.

Running the tip of his tongue along my teeth, I let out a small gasp as he lifts me into his arms with one arm.

Holy shit. How in the hell did he just lift me clear off the floor with one fucking hand!

Landing on my back with a huff of air, I crawl back on the bed and almost let out a stream of drool as he pops the button to his jeans open before putting a knee to the bed between my legs.