Page 1 of Tiny's Law

Chapter 1


That no good, scumbag, small-dick mother fucker.

I slam the glass door to my office shut and let out a huff of frustration, causing the wisps of hair lining my face to fan out around me like a halo from the force of my breath.

That meeting was pointless. It should have been a fucking email update like every other useless email chain they send out every stupid fucking Monday.

Dropping down on the leather chair behind my desk, I reach for my iced macchiato and hollow my cheeks on a long, satisfying pull from the straw letting the strong shot of espresso coat my veins and calm my anger.

Rolling the chair forward so I can reach my keyboard, I once again pull up the document that holds my resignation letter for at least the hundredth time.

Taking a deep breath, I guide my cursor to the top and select the date marked three weeks ago, erase it, and replace it with today’s date. Before I chicken out, I attach it to an open email with the three partners of the large law firm I work for, minus one specific pig-headed, needle-dicked motherfucker.

Today was supposed to be the day when I got my promotion that has been mine for months now, a promotion that I have worked my ass off for. But what happened instead? I learned this morning that the promotion that was meant to be mine went to none other than Robby Redman. Robby, who has only been out of law school for eight months. Eight months!

When Stan stood at the head of the conference table and announced the promotion, all eyes, including Robby’s, went wide as saucers. After the initial shock wore off, a dozen sets of pitied eyes fell on me. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life.

How the fuck did Robby earn the promotion, you ask? Good fucking question. I’m asking the same goddamn thing.

When Matthew Needle-Dick Watson, a.k.a my boss, a.k.a my ex’s older brother, approached me about the promotion, I was ecstatic. I took on every single project and all the extra hours of overtime without argument or complaint to show that I deserved it.

What did I get in return?

A promotion offering in the form of a one night trip to naked-town with my boss.

No fucking thank you, Mr. Saggy balls.

My boss, who up until this event I actually liked and respected, was a good, easy guy to work for. And I love sex as much as the next 30-year-old woman, but that doesn’t mean I’m willing to sleep with ol’ Matty-boy just for a promotion, even if I wanted that promotion more than anything in the entire goddamn world.

I do hold some morals.

But I didn’t think turning Matthew down would turn into this. I could have never even imagined I would be passed over for a dude whose ink is still wet on his fucking bar exam results.

I bet he didn’t have to sleep with anyone to get the job. Fucking boys’ club.

Right after the loud whoosh of the email sending pings through my office, a soft knock raps on my office door. I don’t mean to glare at the interruption of my sulking, but that just seems to be how my mood is going to go today.

I turn my attention back to my computer screen, attaching necessary documents to different shared files with some other coworkers here in hopes that some of them will be taken over so I can get the fuck out of dodge.

Emma, my assistant who’s so young she practically still wears a training bra, peeks through the small opening she made in the doorway. “Kourt?”

“Yeah?” I bark while spitefully sharing the more intense cases on my roster with Robby.

“Are you okay?” Her meek voice pulls my concentrated gaze from the screen up to her solemn expression.

I take a breath and lean back against the back of my chair. “Word of advice, Em?”

Looking up at me through her lashes, she nods.

“Get the fuck out of this line of work. It’s trash.”

Her eyes widen, and her hand trembles against the cashmere cardigan her parents no doubt paid a pretty penny for.

“W-what are you going to do?”

The thought of never returning to this place actually isn’t as bad as I’d imagined. I should’ve sent off this email weeks ago when Matthew propositioned me. I feel the side of my lips lift in a smirk, and I shrug. “I may not be leaving the line of work, but I am sure as shit leaving here.”