Page 88 of Sensual Abduction

“I wanted to ask you something,” he said as I continued eating my food.

“What’s that?”

“I wanted to invite you and Kari to my home for a few days.”

My eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yes, woman. I’m always at your place. I figured it’s time you came to mine.”

“Well… it would have to be a weekend since you’re so far from my job and her school.”

“I’m cool with that. You’re off this weekend, right?”

“Yes, Saturday through Monday. Monday is a school holiday, too.”

“Bet. I’ll get everything ready for you.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What all do you need to get ready? I know that house is in pristine condition. I’m almost afraid to come over.”

He playfully kissed his teeth. “I’m not even that bad.”

“Lies you tell! Have you met you?”

“Whatever. Just don’t come in my house on some petty shit thinking you’re gonna cure my OCD with exposure therapy or some shit. I tried that once years ago and I almost put a bullet in that woman before she left my house.”


He laughed. “I’m dead ass. She had my damn blood pressure up. I said never again.”

I shook my head. “I promise I won’t mess up anything… at least not intentionally. I’ll leave the petty at home.”

“I got something for your petty.”

“Oh, yeah? What is it?”

“You’ll see when you get to my house.”

The smirk on his face told me that I was in for a treat. What could he mean? An idea of him having one of those sex dungeons crossed my mind. The thought excited me just a little. I wouldn’t be opposed to him tying me up or blindfolding me just once. Yeah, I had to have loved him to even think about willingly allowing this man to tie me up and fuck me. I was beginning to think being kidnapped might have bred a kink.

“What are you thinking about so hard?” he asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

I smiled to myself as I forked a helping of food into my mouth. “Nothing, nothing.”



“Mommy, look! It’s castles!” Rabbit yelled from the back seat while we cruised through Prado De Las Fresas where my real home was located. Bunny wasn’t paying much attention since she was engrossed in her kindle reading a book. However, hearing Rabbit’s excitement caused her to look up and gasp.

“Oh my!” she said, looking around. “I know you’re lying, Ahmad!”

“About what?”

“You do not stay out here.”

I chuckled as I pulled up to my gate and swiped the keypad with my card reader. After driving through the gate, I pulled into the driveway.

“You ready to go on an adventure, Rabbit?”