Page 77 of Sensual Abduction

“You just saved my life. Welcome to the family,” Saleem whispered to Bunny as we walked by.

She laughed. “I’ll bill you later.”

The day dragged along as we had dinner and caught up with cousin Salena, her fiancé Greg, and Saleem’s little brother and sister, Saniya and Salaam. The only reason we stayed so long was because Saleem and Pure didn’t want us to leave—well mostly Pure because she didn’t want “her girl” to leave just yet.

While my mother, her cousin, Pure, and Bunny gossiped in the kitchen, my pops, Greg, Ashton, Saleem, and I sat in the living room watching the playoffs, and the kids were upstairs playing the video game.

Saleem leaned his head back to peer in the kitchen, then looked at me and shook his head.

“We got a problem, bruh,” he said.

“What’s that?”

“Ya girl and my wife looking way too cozy. P gon’ have us flying to LA every damn week now. I hope you got flyer miles, my nigga.”

“I have a jet.”

“That’s good then…Wait, you agree with this shit?”

I chuckled. “I don’t know what I agree with just yet. It’s too early to tell, but I don’t mind. Bunny’s a Georgia peach. All of her family and friends are back home, so I don’t mind her getting acquainted with my people.”

“We in Michigan though.”

I shrugged. “Split the ticket then, homie.” We laughed.

“So, son, you’ve found your one, huh?” Pops asked me as I took a swig from my beer.

I wasn’t used to this much dialogue between us, and I for damn sure never talked to him about women. However, I knew I needed to get off my bullshit and open up to them since they were trying. I rubbed my chin and shook my head.

“I wouldn’t say all of that, but we are an item.”

“He’s downplaying the hell out of it, Dad. He gave her a nickname… He’s in love with that woman,” Ashton chimed in.

“Shut ya corny ass up.”

My father chuckled. “Son, it’s okay to fall in love. She seems like a wonderful person. Very smart and intellectually mature. I see you all having a healthy relationship together.”

Before I could reply, Pure and Bunny came in the living room. Bunny slid on my lap as I lifted my head for a kiss. She pecked my lips and smiled at me while running her fingers through my coils.

“Babe, let’s go out on the patio. We want some air,” Pure said.

“We’re in the middle of the game…”

“It’s halftime!” When her voice raised an octave, Saleem stood.

“You gon’ stop fucking yelling at me. Get ya pretty ass outside.”

She blushed. “Yay. Come on, best friend and cousin Ahmad.” We stood as Ashton shook his head.

“See, Pops. Whipped ass nigga.” Ashton chuckled as I threw a couch pillow at him and flipped him the bird.

Once we made it out on the patio, we all took a seat on the couches.

“It’s so pretty out here,” Pure said, glancing around the yard.

“Yes, Ms. Victoria definitely has a green thumb,” Bunny agreed.

“Did you make us come out to talk about the yard? Halftime will be up in fifteen minutes.”