Page 41 of Sensual Abduction

She smothered Kari’s face with kisses as I made my way over to my father.


“Baby girl.”

Just like his granddaughter, he scooped me up and held me tightly. I immediately felt a sense of safety. Lionel Stanton was my first love. I never understood how I had such a great father but had horrible taste in men. My daddy was a good, honest, hardworking man. He didn’t have it all, but he gave us everything we needed and then some.

He kissed my cheeks. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Daddy. I’m so happy to see you.”

He released me into the arms of my mother. She handed Kari over to my father and pulled me into her arms. Her tears stained my shirt as we both cried. Charlotte Stanton was my best friend. Somehow, me moving across the country made us even closer once we reconnected. She’d gotten me through many hard days.

“My baby,” she said, rocking me side to side. “Are you sure you’re okay, Nala? What happened to your foot?”

“I fell.”

“You fell? How did you fall? Baby, who are these people?”

Just as I opened my mouth, Ahmad stepped out onto the porch. The man in the passenger seat got out to greet him, but the driver remained in the car. They spoke for a second before he sent him inside and made his way down the steps.

“Mr. and Mrs. Stanton, I’m Ahmad Pryor. It’s nice to meet you.”

My parents looked from him to me then back at him.

“Nala, who is this?” my father asked.

“It’s hard to explain, Daddy.”

“Mr. Ahmad took us from our house,” Kari answered.

“What!” my father bellowed, handing her to me.

“He put us in the back of a truck and then we got on a plane and came here.”

Ahmad sighed. I was sure he didn’t expect Kari to snitch off the rip.

“If you give me a chance, I can explain—”

Before I could say anything, my father had Ahmad jacked up against the railing of the porch. Much to my surprise, Ahmad remained calm, holding his hands out in surrender. The passenger came out of the house with his hand on his gun, but Ahmad stopped him.

“I’m good, Lance.”

“You sure?”

“I am.” He looked my father in the eyes. “Ease up.”

“What the fuck are you up to with my child!” my father bellowed.

“Mr. Stanton… I’m gonna ask you nicely to get your hands off me. I’m practicing a lot of restraint right now out of respect for your daughter.”

“Daddy, let him go!” I yelled.

“You’re defending him?”

“I’m not defending anything, Daddy. I just don’t want anybody getting hurt. Please… let him go. He’ll explain everything.”

My father glared at me and then at Ahmad. He reluctantly released him, only to turn right around and punch him in the jaw.