Page 18 of Sensual Abduction

“I see you’re married. Do you have children? What if I was your wife or daughter? What if she was your granddaughter? You wouldn’t be so quick to aid and abet a criminal, would you?”

He remained quiet as he wrapped my foot.

“How much is he paying you? I have money. I can pay you… Please help me.”

I was desperate. So desperate that I was willing to wire him the money in all my accounts to assure our safety. For years now, I’d been making small deposits from Slim’s stash into accounts in Kari’s name at several banks. I didn’t touch that money. It was hers in case anything ever happened to me.

Cornell remained quiet until he finished wrapping my foot. He sighed heavily as he packed his bag, then placed a pill bottle on the dresser.

“Take these twice a day with food for the pain. I’ll be back tomorrow with the boot. Don’t put too much pressure on that ankle.”

Without another word, he left the room, closing the door slightly behind him. Once again, I was alone and trapped like a fucking animal. Burying my face in my hands, I cried like a baby. This was it. This was my fate. I was never getting out of here.

Nobody knew I was missing. Nobody would even know where to look if they did. We’d disappeared like ghosts in the night. Once we were delivered to Slim, we’d disappear for good. The thought of that broke me. My cries became audible. I didn’t realize I’d woken Kari up until I felt her little hands on me.

“Mommy? Why are you crying?”

I quickly wiped my face before I looked at her. “Mommy’s okay. Come here.”

I helped her onto my lap and held her close to me as I rocked her.

“Mommy loves you so much.”

“I love you too. Mommy, I’m hungry.”

I knew she had to be, because I was starving. I didn’t want to eat anything this man gave us, but not eating wasn’t an option.

“How about we take a nice shower and change clothes, then go get something to eat?” I suggested.

“Okay. Is the big, mean man still here?”

“He is, but don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”

She nodded and rested her head against me as I dug through the bags of clothes and hygiene products. Silently, I prayed to God to give me strength for the both of us.



After I showered and changed into some joggers and a plain white t-shirt, I poured a much-needed drink. After cussing my brother out for the millionth time and him getting frustrated with me upping the prices, I needed to unwind. I still had to deal with an aggressive, mean woman that I knew for sure was thinking of a way to escape.

“I wrapped her foot and gave her pain meds. She should be good for tonight. I’ll bring the boot back in the morning,” Cornell said, entering the living room where I sat.

“Cool. Appreciate you, fam.” I reached forward, grabbing the stack of bills and handing it to him. He looked at me with a slight smirk on his face. “What?”

“I’m just curious as to why you still have her here.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know you, Play. I’ve known you for half your life, and your father and I are good friends. I may work for you on the side, but I know your patterns and this situation isn’t like you at all.”

“I’m still trying to figure out what you’re getting at, Nelly.”

I knew what he was trying to say, but I was convincing myself that the only reason I hadn’t turned her over yet was because he hadn’t confirmed the million dollars I added to his ticket. I honestly didn’t need the money, but looking into her and her daughter’s scared eyes, something just didn’t feel right about handing them over to him.

“You never bring anyone to where you rest your head. That’s number one. Number two, you wouldn’t give a damn about feeding, clothing, or any of their well-being—”

“She has a kid.”