Page 79 of Sensual Abduction

We all laughed as I rubbed her thigh. I was ready to drag her in the house and fuck her uterus out her ass, but I refrained. I wouldn’t do that here with these nosy ass people. They asses would be looking around for me like they were inspector gadgets. Weird asses.

By the time we went back inside, the game was over and Saleem was mad about it. It was Miami versus LA, and he made a twenty thousand dollar bet against the Lakers and lost. Too bad the person he owed was me. Homie just didn’t know that my home team would always reign supreme.

“A’ight. We’re going to call it a night. I’m tired and I need a shower bad,” I told my family.

“Okay, baby. Nala, it was a pleasure meeting you. I hope it won’t be your last time,” my moms said, hugging her.

“It won’t. Thank you for the wonderful hospitality. I enjoyed myself here.”

“You’re welcome.”

Pure handed her a card. “Here’s my number. Call me anytime, except for around eight… this baby doesn’t allow me to stay up too late.”

“What are you having? I want to get you guys a gift.”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Aww, well anything you need, don’t hesitate to call me.”

“I won’t.”

Saleem looked over at me. “Told you. Flyer miles.”

“Don’t worry. With that twenty K, we’ll be able to fly once a week.”

I laughed when he flipped me off. We all hugged and said our goodbyes as Nala retrieved Makari and we left the house. Even though I didn’t want to fuck with my family today, Saleem being there changed the trajectory of my mood. I’d never had the relationship, double date thing.

I had to admit, I liked it… a lot.


Lila (Nala)

Ifinally got that damn boot off my foot.

It felt so good to walk out of the doctor’s office without it. The first thing I went to do was take myself and Kari out for pedicures. With a clean bill of health, I was ready to get back to normal life. I was set to return to work in three days, so I wanted to pack in as much fun with my girl as I could.

Since we’d been back, I spent my time helping her get caught up on the schoolwork she missed. I was so glad my baby was smart. She aced everything and I was sure her grades wouldn’t suffer. She was on the last leg of the school year before Christmas break. Ahmad had arranged for my parents to fly out and spend the entire break with us. I was so grateful for that because I already missed them. When he told me they were coming, he also told me that all they had to do was say the word, and he’d fly them out anytime.

That man.

It was hard to believe that I was in a full-on relationship with the man that kidnapped me. At first, I thought we’d have to come up with a cover story for how we met until I remembered that I technically ran into him in the hallway at work. That was good enough and didn’t require much explanation.

Things with us were going much better than I expected. I was nervous as hell about meeting the rest of his family, but dinner with them had gone great. While everyone was nice and welcoming, I especially liked his cousin Saleem and his wife Pure.

They were hilarious. I’d never met a couple who equally loved and annoyed each other as much as they did. One minute they were going back and forth and the next he was coddling her and their growing bundle of joy.

Ahmad seemed more relaxed with them around. He enjoyed himself, despite his rocky relationship with his parents. His mother shared with me that she prayed they could finally build a loving relationship with him. I prayed that for him too. Once he healed that angry little boy inside of him, he would feel so much better.

“Mommy, can I get pink?” Kari asked, looking through the colors.

“Sure, baby.”

My baby loved to get her nails and toes painted. She was a mini me in so many ways. Every time I looked at her, my heart swelled with pride. She’d been conceived in unfortunate circumstances, but she was the product of nothing but love from my end.

I smiled softly as she told the nail tech exactly how she wanted her nails done. I settled in the seat as the water filled the small tub. My phone rang, breaking me from my thoughts. Fishing it from my purse, I saw that it was Ahmad.

“Hey, you,” I answered.