Page 73 of Sensual Abduction

After what seemed like forever, we finally landed at the private airstrip. The three of us filed out of the plane. The first thing I saw was a very handsome man leaning against a blacked-out SUV. He looked vaguely familiar. I gripped Kari’s hand and held tightly to Ahmad’s arm.

“Who is that?” I asked.

“My brother, Ashton.”

I frowned. I wanted to be mad. I wanted to punch him in the face for ever putting Slim on my trail with his investigating ass. He smiled as we approached him. He and Ahmad slapped hands before sharing a brotherly hug.

“Glad to see you made it back,” he said. He looked over at me and Makari. “Ashton Pryor. You must be Nala and Makari.”

“I would think you already knew that,” I said, my tone laced with venom.

He chuckled. “Yes, ma’am. It was nothing personal. Just business. If I’d known about you having a kid, I wouldn’t have accepted the job.”

“Well, it’s too late for that, now isn’t it?”

He looked at his brother. “She’s just as feisty as you said.”

“You ain’t seen the half of it,” Ahmad said. “Make yourself useful and grab our bags.”

He slapped his brother on the chest before opening the back door, ushering me and Kari inside. I watched as Ashton grabbed our bags and Ahmad spoke with Carl. It wasn’t long before they were both climbing into the SUV and we were leaving the airstrip.

I sighed a breath of relief.

I was safe and I was home.

Home sweet home!

We pulled into my driveway about an hour later. I was so happy to see my house still standing. Tiffany’s car was parked on the curb. The moment we got out of the car, the door opened, and she stepped out. Kari released my hand and ran to her.

“Ms. Tiffany!” she screamed.

Tiffany scooped her up in her arms and spun her around.

“There’s my favorite girl! I missed you so much!”

She smothered her face with kisses, causing her to erupt with giggles. They had the most beautiful relationship. Tiffany was only twenty-one and Kari looked at her like an aunt and her bestie. She spoiled my baby with love and attention. Even when I was afraid to leave her, I knew she was in the best hands when I wasn’t around.

“Hey, Tiff,” I said, pulling her in for a hug.

“It’s so good to see you. You had me worried sick for a moment.” She stepped back and looked me over. “What happened to your foot?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, girl. Just know I was clumsy and fell.”

She shook her head. Her eyes landed on Ahmad and Ashton.

“Oh my… Who is this?”

“Tiffany, this is Ahmad and Ashton Pryor. This is Tiffany, my nanny.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” they offered simultaneously.

Tiffany smiled and clasped her hands together. “Well, I cooked dinner to welcome you home. It’s on the stove. I’m gonna head out. I just wanted to welcome you home.”

“Thank you, Tiffany. You sure you don’t wanna stay a while?”

“I don’t wanna crowd you, plus I have plans with a friend.” She kissed Kari’s cheek before placing her on her feet and pulling me in for another hug. “I’m so happy you’re home. Please call me if you need me.”

“I will.”