“You really need to calm down, man. Maybe you need to take Mom and Dad’s advice and find a nice young lady to release those frustrations of not having anything warm to hold you at night. It won’t hurt you to open your heart to new things.”
“Ash, I’m trying not to continue to be rude and tell you to eat a dick, so please, tell me what the fuck you want.”
He chuckled and then got serious. “My firm just got a contract in, and before you say no, just know that the price is right. Actually, it’s more than right.”
Ash owned a PI firm and had been doing good at finding the lost and forgotten. It was like his ass had a sixth sense and could see the future because it never took him long to find anybody that needed to be found. I blamed it on my parents for making his ass nosy, but at least he used that shit to bring in revenue.
“I’m done with that life, Ash.” I reminded him.
“It’s not what you think. It’s a snatch and deliver. Quick, simple, and easy. He’s willing to pay one hundred grand to snatch her up and bring her back to Blackstone, Georgia.”
“Who is this nigga?”
“His name is Avery Jones but he goes by Slim. Real big money guy from Blackstone who’s been looking for his girl for six years. He contacted my office about three months ago, and it just so happens, I got a visual on her three days ago.”
“Six years is a long time to be chasing behind some pussy. I would have let that broad live her best damn life. Ain’t no pussy that damn good.”
Ashton chuckled. “Yeah, well, apparently she’s got some fairy dust down there.”
“Doubt that shit.”
“According to him, she stole a lot of money from him.”
“Now that I can believe. What’s my cut if I do this shit?”
“You know it’s always down the middle with us.”
“Nah, it ain’t. I want seventy-thirty split since I’m the one doing the hard part.”
“Send me the information.”
“Already done. Check your email.”
“And make this your last time calling me about any of this shit. I’m trying to live a normal life and you crazy people in this world keep trying to pull me back in. Leave me the fuck alone.”
He laughed. “You know, Mom and Dad’s anniv—”
I hung up on his ass.
He knew the relationship between our parents and me wasn’t the best. I didn’t hate them or no shit like that, but I kept my distance because I felt like they stayed in my business too fucking much. Their favorite thing to ask was, “When are you going to get a woman? Why haven’t you settled down yet? Do you have any plans to at least give us grandchildren if you don’t want to get married?” The shit was annoying as fuck, and I was straight on all that. Yeah, I had my go-to’s, but I wasn’t trying to wife none of them broads—even when they went the extra mile doing wifely shit.
Placing my phone back in the exact same spot, I stood and folded my mat, remembering the way that I unfolded it so it would be folded properly. I then put it in my closet in the same corner I always put it in and closed the door back. Retracing my steps, I walked over to my computer and took a seat.
Powering it on, I opened my mini fridge and took out a bottled water, guzzled some down, then positioned it to where the label was facing forward.
I had a mild case of OCD. Shit had to be neat, clean, and in order or I would get irritated to the max, and once I got irritated, it was best to stay the fuck from around me. That was another blemish on my record that I’d gotten from my nosy ass family.
Once my computer powered up, I went to the email that Ashton sent and opened it up. I expected to see some average or borderline ugly chick, but what I got made me sit back in my chair and observe her.
My eyes scanned the oval shape of her face. The smooth, rich mocha complexion of her skin had me thinking the photo was filtered like a motherfucka. Her brown eyes looked as if she was looking right through my soul, and her body was everything one could call amazing. I was blown away and that was something I had never been just by looking at a chick. Now I understood why homie was paying so much to get her back. But what exactly happened to make her leave?
Snapping from my haze, I read over the information attached to her photo. Her name was Nala Stanton but she could be going by the name Lila Peterson. She was last seen at Greenwood City Park. She was thirty-two, had four tattoos, one visible on her neck of a rose, and drove a white 2013 Ford Explorer. She lived in a small house in Hashtown, a mile outside of GC.
This was going to be an easy job because the homes in Hashtown were like miles apart from one another. I could get in undetected, grab shorty, and haul her ass back to Georgia. I marveled over her photo a little longer before tucking away my attraction to her pretty ass and focusing on getting the job done so I could go back to my normal life of being left the fuck alone.