Page 30 of Sensual Abduction

“What do you plan to do with her once this is over?”

“Let her ass go, what you mean?”

“I mean… You don’t find her attractive enough to see—”

“Ashton. Get the fuck off my line.”

“I’m just saying. You’re acting as if you’re scared of commitment. Since you guys are spending time together, it won’t hurt to get to—”

I hung up on his ass and placed my phone down on top of the piano. I was currently in my basement washing the laundry that Bunny and Rabbit had worn for the past two days along with the sheets and comforters. My phone pinged with a message from Ash with laughing emojis then the photo of the pussy nigga that I was going to bury in his backyard. For a minute, I thought about his wife and kids, but for some reason, my I don’t give a fuck radar alerted me. This nigga was scum. He didn’t deserve to live anymore, and I was going to be the one to deliver his fate.

Placing my phone back the way I had it, I wiped down the piano keys with a disinfectant wipe and began to play “Tennessee Whiskey”. I was a good minute into the song when I saw a little cute face peek around the corner looking at me. I stopped playing as she moved away quickly, and I laughed.

“Come here, Rabbit.”

It took her about ten seconds to finally appear as she walked over to me. I patted the spot next to me as she stared at me. She hesitated for a moment before taking a seat.

“Did you have a good nap?”


“That’s good. Where’s your mean mama?”

“My mommy’s not mean. You’re the one that’s mean.”

“I’m not if you just get to know me.”

“If you’re not mean, then why did you take us?”

I scratched the back of my head because what was I supposed to tell a six-year-old? I knew I couldn’t tell her the real reason, so I opted not to answer her.

“You want to learn how to play?” She looked at me skeptically at first, then nodded her little head. “A’ight. So we’re going to do a classic one—'Mary had a Little Lamb’, but we gon’ remix it and say, ‘Bunny had a Lil Rabbit,’ cool?”

She giggled and nodded her head. I took her finger and showed her which keys to press while I directed her. Surprisingly, it only took her three tries before she was playing it alone. I smiled in triumph because I didn’t want little mama mad at me anymore. She was only being this way because of her moms, but I respected it because any child would protect their mother. We moved on to another nursery rhyme then what sounded like thumps hit the stairs and mama bear appeared.

“Makari Amelle! You scared me half to death! Why didn’t you wake me?”

“I’m sorry, Mommy. The mean man was playing music. I like music.”

“I know, baby, but we don’t know him. You stay close to me. Do you hear me?”

“Yes, Mommy,” she said, solemnly.

“It’s Ahmad.”

“What?” Bunny asked.

“My name is Ahmad—Ahmad Pryor.” She paused as she looked at me, then down at her daughter.

“Are you hungry, Kari? It’s dinnertime.”

“Yes. Can we have spaghetti?”

“We just had hamburger meat… What about some chicken, mac-n-cheese, and baked beans?”

“Okay, fine.”

“Go wait upstairs for me, and don’t go beyond the living room.”