Page 16 of Swan River

Paisley’s eyes lifted from Nikki’s chest. They were red-rimmed and tortured. Her voice almost disappeared as she whispered the words, “That picture on the door… Is this our fault? Did that happen… Did he think she was me?”

Jonas’s heart clogged his throat, making it hard to breathe. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know the right answer. Thoughts of the blood dripping from the photograph and the image of Landry’s neck sliced open caused his stomach to lurch, threatening to let loose everything he’d eaten at lunch.

The house filled with police and the Daisies’ security team. Marco strode through the room as if he owned it, the other security detail making room for their leader. His face was impassive until he saw Jonas, and then relief filled it, dark eyes meeting his. “Thank God, you’re okay.”

But his words caused Paisley to convulse, and a wounded cry ripped from her because her sister wasn’t okay. Her sister was dead.

Marco looked regretful, rubbed a hand through his hair, and then tilted his head at Jonas toward the kitchen.

Jonas looked at Paisley and Nikki huddled on the couch, tears pouring down their faces. “I’ll be right back, Paisley. I’ll be right in the kitchen.”

He didn’t know what else to say. He didn’t know how else to help, except to let her know he was there. That he wasn’t going anywhere.

When they got to the kitchen, Marco wrapped Jonas in a hug that was tight and hard, as if he was afraid to let him go, and Jonas hugged him back equally as hard. He needed his brother’s strength to wash off on him so he could be strong for Paisley.

“Jo-Jo,” Marco said.

“Where the fuck was her security?” Jonas said into his shoulder.

“Ramona’s dead too,” Marco said quietly. “Trevor found her.”


“I’m going out there to help with the investigation. You going to be okay in here?” Marco asked.

Jonas nodded even though he wasn’t sure it was true.

Marco squeezed him one more time and then left out the back. Jonas turned around, heading for Paisley, as the front door burst open, and Fiadh rushed in. Tommy and Nick were at her side with some man in a suit Jonas had never seen before.

Fiadh’s wide eyes met Jonas’s.

“Tell me…just…” Her voice trailed off as she saw Paisley and Nikki wrapped together, weeping.

Fiadh’s throat bobbed as she whispered, “Lan…”

Jonas swallowed hard, and the words came out like a croak. “She’s…she’s dead.”

Tears filled Fiadh’s eyes, and then they were pouring down her face as she joined the other two women on the couch, locking them in a fierce embrace.

“Fuck,” the man in the suit said, flicking his hand over his jacket as if brushing off lint. He looked at Nick and said with a blandness that seemed completely out of place, given the situation, “I guess that discount I asked for is going to be back on the table.”

Nick blanched but ignored the man. Instead, he turned to Ronan and the crew. “I think it’s best if you leave.”

“We don’t want anyone going anywhere,” a police officer said from behind them. “Everyone who was on the property needs to stay put until we have a chance to debrief them.”

In the officer’s hand was the picture that had been on the door?the picture of Paisley and Jonas with their faces scratched out in blood.

Despair sliced its way through Jonas’s heart. Was Paisley right? Had Landry been killed because of them?

Chapter Ten


Performed by Danny Gokey


They came and tore the property apart. FBI. Police. Garner Security.