“We belong together. We’re two pieces of a whole. You need me to ground you, and I need you to lift me up,” Paisley said quietly, eyes begging him to admit the truth. “She shouldn’t be able to take that from us.”
He nodded. Unable to see the pain in her eyes without touching her, he pulled her close and held on tight. “She won’t. But you have to remember, she loves you too. She loved you first, and no matter what I said back there, she does want what’s best for you.”
“Only if it’s what’s best for her as well,” Paisley said, and it sounded sad and tired, as if she couldn’t fight the world one more second.
“I don’t think you really believe that.”
They were silent for a long moment, and Jonas tugged her toward the couch. When he got there, he pulled her onto his lap, and she rested her head on his chest. They sat that way for a long time, just listening to each other’s heartbeats as the sun slanted across the sky and the room grew dim.
After what felt like days, she finally broke the quiet, asking, “Do you remember the very first argument we had about ABBA?”
He laughed softly. “I still think they’re shit, but if Brady’s daughter heard me say that, she’d skewer me alive.”
“Normally, when someone challenges me, I can’t breathe. I can’t talk. I freeze. It’s like I’m a deer caught in the headlights. But with you…all the thoughts inside of me pour out easily. Freely. That first time we argued, you just stared at me as if my words were awe-inspiring, revolutionary. It was like you could actually see me. The real me. The one who’s afraid to be onstage and has anxiety attacks, and sometimes can’t even speak when someone asks her a question.”
Jonas hated her anxiety almost as much as he hated the way she doubted her opinions were valid. She had so much to say, so much talent to share, and yet she’d always hidden it behind Landry because she’d been afraid to step out of the shadows. She deserved more than the sliver of light the band shined her way. Landry was pissed that Paisley was starting to see that. It challenged the status quo. And when that happened, there were always arguments. Adjustments. He had to believe they’d get through it though, because they loved each other.
Pounding on the door caused Jonas’s eyes to fly in that direction, cutting him off from saying anything more. He dragged himself up, threw on his T-shirt, and opened it.
Trevor stood there, frowning.
“Hey,” Jonas said, his brow furrowing as concern flew through him.
“Dylan went back with Landry, so I grabbed a car to take you to the farmhouse for the bonfire,” Trevor said.
Jonas looked back at Paisley waiting on the couch. “We gotta go, Paise.”
She flicked her eyes to the darkened windows and jumped up. “Crud. How late is it?”
“You still have time,” Trevor answered.
“But Landry needed help setting up,” she said, regret filling her tone because even still angry and upset with her sister, she hated letting Landry down.
Jonas followed Paisley as she all but ran down the steps after Trevor. Once they were loaded into the SUV and headed out of town, Paisley ran a hand through her long hair, as if trying to straighten it, before pushing into her birthmark with her fingertip. He could almost feel the nervousness crawling through her veins as if it was its own entity. This was more than just concern about Landry. She was worried because she was supposed to talk with Ronan again tonight, and she hadn’t decided whether to tell him about her anxiety and stage fright or not.
Paisley’s phone started to blow up just as Trevor’s did the same thing in the front. Ping after ping.
“What is it?” Jonas asked.
“Oh my God,” Paisley said, color draining from her face as she flicked through the messages.
He pulled her close, pulse quickening. “What’s wrong?”
“Adria’s sister was kidnapped!”
Jonas’s eyes met Trevor’s in the rearview mirror, dread curling through him.
“Her dad received a ransom note, and the detail has taken Adria to some undisclosed location because he’s worried that whoever did this will come for her too.”
Goosebumps littered his skin as Paisley turned to him with panic written on her face and her hands trembling.
“Leya’s gone to D.C. early for the convention, and Fiadh has something to tell us about Nick’s label.” Her eyes filled with tears. “What on earth happened after we left this afternoon?”
Jonas’s stomach spasmed. In a ridiculous series of blows the band was teetering and Paisley right along with it. He struggled to quell his nerves, to find a sense of calm so he could be the stable ground beneath her feet. He tugged her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her.
When they pulled up in front of the farmhouse, there was a van there. Ronan had brought in a film crew for the bonfire, and they were unloading equipment in the near darkness with only the porchlight illuminating the drive. He lifted his chin in their direction as Paisley and Jonas slid out of the back of the SUV.
Ronan sauntered over to them with an unnecessary beanie covering his hair. Jonas’s stomach tightened, hating his arrogant assuredness. Hating that this man would have no qualms asking Paisley questions that would upset her even more?all for the sake of his damn film.