Page 95 of The Bro-code

We both know that building team spirit isn’t why you’re here. You’re here because you knew she would be here.

Yeah, my subconscious nailed it.

I can lie to myself all I want that I had no choice but to come and eat the victory chili.

That would be a lie.

I’m here because I wanted to see her.

Since the moment I bumped into her at the airport, Bay Woods has been living rent free in my head.

I was going crazy when I thought I had lost sight of her without even getting her name. All my hopes were pinned on the fact that Star Cove is a small town and I was already researching all the popular spots so I could “bump” into her again.

I couldn’t believe my luck when I realized that Bay and I go to the same school.

What I could have never imagined is that she’s Cole’s best friend and Topher’s ex.

I’ve been thinking about her so fucking much that it borders obsession.

I don’t know what it is about Bay that drives me crazy with want.

I mean fuck, obviously she’s gorgeous. And we have unfinished business. The way she left me high and dry in that aircraft toilet, gave me the most epic case of blue balls in history.

It’s… everything.

Everything about Bay Woods calls out to me in the most intense of ways.

From her flawless blonde beauty, to her sassy mouth, to the way she grabs the ends of her ponytail when she’s nervous. Her fashion sense, her poise, her kindness. Well, I’ve witnessed that last part when I’ve watched her interactions with other people. Because I think I can safely say that I didn’t make the kind of impression I was hoping for with her.

It’s never happened to me before, to be so obsessed about a woman. I have to constantly watch myself because when I’m in her presence, I feel like I’m always seconds away from doing something dumb.

Like when I saw her again at the rush fair and there was that stand-off between Topher and Cole about who should kiss her.

I was about to grab that golden chip and kiss Bay for all I’m worth.

I’m kinda glad I didn’t do it, because after our last exchange in the kitchen, I’m fairly sure I would have gotten one of her knees on those blue balls I just mentioned.

What I need is a plan to make her see that I’m not like Topher Mumford. That douche and I might come from similar backgrounds, but we couldn’t be more different.

If I had her attention, I would never take it for granted. I would never cheat on her like that idiot did.

With me Bay would only know pleasure and I know for sure we’d have fun together. Because we might clash, but our back and forth tells me that we have a similar sense of humor and if I could get her to give me a chance, we would hit it off.

You have totally lost your rabid ass mind.

I scowl at the voice in my head.

I usually don’t date. My plan for this year was to stay away from women and unnecessary drama, focus on winning the championship with my new team and then get the hell out of dodge.

Plans can change though and the fact that Bay poses a challenge is nothing but a turn on.

I spot her dancing in Cole’s arms.

Those two look awfully cozy and at first, I thought there was something going on between them. I mean, fuck. How can you be just friends with Bay? Unless you bat for the other team—nothing wrong if you do—I doubt there is one man on this campus who wouldn’t want more.

Yet, I think Cole doesn’t see her that way. The guy is always surrounded by hot chicks, so I don’t think he likes men. He’s just really not into Bay that way.

It’s either that or he needs an eye test because when Topher put him on the spot at the fair, he looked positively horrified at the idea of kissing his best friend.