“Are you sure I bring you luck?” she giggles when I brush a kiss on her cheek. “The last two games I was there and you guys lost horribly.”
I shrug. “That was down to something else. One of the guys had fucked up with his own good luck ritual but now he fixed it, so we’re all good.”
She blushes and I wonder why. It can’t be because I said she’s my lucky charm, I’ve been telling her that for years.
“I’m just happy you guys won. Now come on, let’s get some chili into you, before the house fills up with people.”
I roll my eyes. “Right. I wish Topher didn’t insist on throwing a party after every home game, you know? This is starting to get tiring.”
Bay tilts her head to the side, as if my words surprised her. “You, tired of parties? You’re the biggest party animal I know.”
She’s right. That’s how I was before I started falling for her, and my idea of a great night became Netflix and chill with the only woman I care about.
I say none of that stuff. I know she doesn’t feel the same way.
“I don’t know,” I shrug. “Lately it’s getting boring, every party is the same. Maybe I’m getting old.”
“Maybe,” she agrees. “I feel the same way. I wish it could be a smaller party, not everyone on campus.”
I consider her words. “You know what? We have a Gamma meeting tomorrow. How would you feel about a Gamma-Zeta mixer after next home game? Just to boost your sisters’ morale since you have to live apart this year.”
Bay’s face lights up with a smile.
She has the most beautiful smile in the world and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to see it more often.
“Oh Cole, that would be awesome.”
Rather than talking to Topher, I’d like to kick his ass. When Bay and I bring our bowls of chili into the dining room, we find the Gamma president drinking beer at the head of the table with Bianca on his lap.
The asshole is either oblivious to the warning glare I shoot his way, or he has a death wish. Rather than ditching Bianca the second Bay walks into the room, Topher starts playing with the Dean’s daughter’s hair, the same way he used to do with Bay’s.
“Hey Bay,” he smiles as if their split had been amicable and they had decided to stay friends. “You always used to bring my bowl of chili to the table. I thought you would keep the tradition alive.”
This motherfucker.
I don’t care if he’s the Gamma president. I don’t give a shit if he could kick me out of the frat house and make me practically homeless since all the dorms are at capacity.
I will even face Coach’s wrath for not upholding the team spirit he expects from us, but I’m going to wipe that arrogant smirk off Topher Mumford’s face.
I start toward him, my fists clenched but Bay holds me back. She shakes her head, her eyes pleading with me to keep my cool.
I manage by the skin of my teeth, and just because Bay asked me.
She can take care of herself, I’ve always known that, but that doesn’t mean I want to protect her any less.
“That’s true,” she smiles back at her ex. “But that was before I found you in my bed with slutty Barbie. Have your puck bunny make you a bowl. If I were you I wouldn’t trust me not to put some extra ghost pepper in it.”
That’s my girl.
“You know Bay,” Topher retaliates. “I hate to remind you that you’re a guest in this house. The Dean is our biggest fan and I would hate it if he heard how you’re messing with the team’s lucky streak. You’re already on thin ice with him after your sorority house burned down on your tenure. Who’s to know what would happen if he was to decide that we no longer have to welcome you in our midst since you aren’t supportive of the team?”
“You’re so full of shit, Toph,” Bay glares at her ex. “The team’s superstition is that I make the chili after every home game, not that I fix you a bowl.”
The asshat doesn’t budge. “Who’s to say which detail is the most important? Last year you fixed me a bowl every time we played at home and we were undefeated on our own turf.”
Bay rolls her eyes but marches back into the kitchen. “God, give me strength,” she bites out, ladling chili into a bowl.
She doesn’t mess with it like she threatened Topher to do. Bay doesn’t take any shit, but she’s a lady through and through and that’s one of the million reasons why I love her.