Page 61 of The Bro-code

“I couldn’t sleep and then I got thirsty,” I say, lifting my bottle of water as evidence that I wasn’t lurking here hoping to bump into him.

I mean, I wasn’t but I’m so flustered in the dark kitchen that I can’t think straight.

His eyes look dark and mysterious in the dim lighting offered by the lights under the cabinets. “That water’s really nice. My mom and my sister drink it all the time. My dad makes fun of me because I like it and he thinks it’s too girly. Maybe because it’s French, who knows?”

My feet carry me in front of Jagger without me even realizing it. “Would you like some?” I offer him my bottle rather than going to the fridge to get him a new one.

He takes it from me and there it is. That spark of tingles that makes my nipples harden and the space between my legs throb with need.

“Thanks, I came here because I was thirsty too.”

I watch mesmerized as his throat works when he swallows a few sips of my water.

Jagger’s neck is thick, the corded muscles in his shoulders and arms moving as he drinks.

“That was just what I needed. Thank you, Bay.”

My heart picks up its pace and I take the bottle back from him, not because I want it, but because I want to touch his fingers again.

The second my skin comes into contact with his, my body reacts with a wave of heat. Our chests are suddenly almost touching. I don’t know who stepped closer, if me or him, but it doesn’t matter. I wish I wasn’t wearing my thin night camisole, so I could feel his warm skin against mine.

Our eyes are locked and Jagger’s fingers are tracing the edge of my jaw, like they did right before he kissed me.

“How has the first week of your senior year been?” he asks, his voice low and soft. “Are you settling in ok in this madhouse?”

My week would improve tenfold if he kissed me again, but I don’t say that. “I’m ok, everything considered. Here’s fine, thanks to you and Cole.”

The corners of his upper lip lift in a barely there smile, his gaze smoldering. “Good. Anyone gives you trouble, let me know. We can be a bunch of rowdy assholes if left to our own devices.”

“Thank you,” my voice is breathless, I’m dying to feel his lips on mine again. I even consider pushing on the tips of my toes and just taking what I want, but I’m too chicken.

Daydreaming about our kiss has made my week more bearable and if he rejected me now, it would taint that memory for me.

There’s a beat of charged silence, the air in the dim lit kitchen is crackling with electricity.

“I don’t know about you, but I have an early morning skate tomorrow, before the game. I should go back to bed.” He says.

I have homework and social media stuff to do tomorrow morning too, but I’d rather stay here, smashed against Jagger’s perfect chest. I don’t say that.

“Yeah, me too. I have tons to do and I need to make sure the chili is going so we can celebrate your first victory.”

A slight frown appears on his forehead, but it’s just fleeting.

Come on Jagger, kiss me.

He doesn’t kiss me. We just keep staring at each other, his hand still cupping my face, as if time was frozen.

“Good night, Bay.”

He lowers his head and kisses me… on the forehead.

I suppress a groan of frustration. My nana kisses me on the forehead, that’s all you need to know.

“Good night, Jagger. You can have the rest of my water, if you want.” I offer him the dark green bottle and he takes it. Our fingers don’t brush this time and maybe it’s for the best.

As I walk away, I think that I need to get my shit under control. Being disappointed because he didn’t kiss me is foolish and hypocritical at the same time.

I said no more hockey players and I should damn well stick to my resolution.