Is that a glint of amusement in her blue eyes, or am I just imagining it?
“Trust me, your eye isn’t exactly where I was thinking of jamming it.” She bites out.
I like her more with every passing second.
I think we’ve obviously established by now that I have a death wish, because I can’t help but provoke her. “Classy.”
I’m disappointed when she doesn’t react to my latest dig, despite the fury in her eyes.
“Get out of my way, seriously. I’ve had a long flight and I’m already starting to feel the jet lag. This isn’t the time to piss me off.”
I do as she asks but hover around the check-in desk just long enough to “overhear” that she has a first class booking and that she’s headed to Star Cove on my same flight. The only thing I can’t quite catch is her name because an announcement is played right when the check-in agent greets her.
Anyway, remember when I said that sometimes the universe sends you a sign that despite all your troubles, everything is gonna be alright?
Seeing the hottest girl ever just before I begin my celibate year of eating, breathing and sleeping hockey is definitely one of those signs.
That quickie in the bathroom?
It’s totally happening, if I manage to turn things around.
You can say anything about me, but perseverance is my greatest quality.
Why is it that the hottest guys are always the worst assholes?
I swear to God, I just bumped into the hottest, most infuriating human being I’ve ever seen.
Remember how I was saying that sometimes the universe finds every way to remind you that Murphy’s Law is real?
The fact that the most gorgeous guy I’ve seen in a while happens to be an intolerable asshole, must be one of those signs.
I sure hope he isn’t on my flight because the stilettos I put on, following my nana’s motto? I had to fight the urge to jam those where the sun don’t shine at the arrogant, rude way he just talked to me.
It’s better for his own good if I never see him again.
For the few infuriating moments I did lay eyes on him though? Holy smokes.
The guy had the body of a God. Tall, way over six feet, and it was impossible to miss his broad shoulders, the rippling muscles in his arms, his ripped chest, trim waist, and long legs.
I could bet the entire six figure balance of my bank account that under that designer t-shirt, he had a six pack.
But it wasn’t just his perfect body that attracted my attention. The hot but rude stranger had short, soft looking dark brown hair and the most mesmerizing pair of blue eyes I’ve ever seen.
Not the mysterious dark blue of Cole’s eyes but a really light blue, almost translucent; an ice blue.
The thought of my best friend steadies my nerves. With Lakyn moving three hours away to Bridgeport to follow her men during their rookie season, Cole is the only person I’m looking forward to seeing on campus.