Jagger nods. “Sure, I can. I’m also gonna make sure that the guys don’t eat your pint of rocky road.”
I smile gratefully. “That’s very thoughtful of you, Jagger. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it. You’re one of us now and we always have each other’s backs.”
For a second his words give me pause. Is this how Jagger sees me? Like one of the guys? Judging from last night’s kiss, I would have thought—No.
I scold myself mentally for even going there. Bad, bad Bay.
It doesn’t matter how Jagger sees me. It doesn’t matter that his eyes look golden again whenever he lowers his head to meet my gaze.
His low, slightly gravelly voice isn’t causing a slight buzz all over my skin, as if the one beer I had could be enough to make me tipsy.
Even if Jagger wasn’t a known player, even if he hadn’t just said that I’m one of the brothers, I’m not interested.
I keep repeating that to myself like a mantra as I wish Jagger a good night and climb up the two flights of stairs headed to the top floor and to the presidential suite.
I exhale slowly as I close the door behind me, feeling my way to the light switch.
It’s kind of ironic that this is the room I’m most familiar with in the entire Gamma house, for obvious reasons.
The only difference now is the pink and white bedding I bought at the mall to replace Topher’s.
“What the fuck?” I yelp when the light is finally on and my eyes land on the object of my last thought. “Topher, what the hell are you doing in my room?” I glare at my ex’s form sitting on my bed.
“Well technically,” he smirks. “This is my room, since we’re in the presidential suite and I’m the president.”
I guess hoping that Topher would stay out of my way and give me a wide berth would be wishful thinking. “Technically,” I argue. “The Dean assigned me to live here and since you decided to put me in this room, this is no longer your room. So, get out.”
His smile fades, replaced by a frown. “Believe me, it wasn’t my choice. But Cole thought you should have your own bathroom and he convinced the others to vote me into Cash’s old room.”
I can’t help the snort that escapes me at his words. “I should have known that I couldn’t expect a gentlemanly gesture from you.”
Topher stands up, stalking toward me like a predator with his prey. “Oh and you think your BFF is a fucking gentleman? Please.”
My pulse quickens, my fight or flight instinct unsure which option is preferable right now. “Cole is a good guy. I know the concept is very hard to grasp for you.”
My ex takes another step toward me and I retreat until my back hits the door, leaving me nowhere to go.
“Bay, don’t be naive. Cole is the biggest player in this house. A fuckboy who has fucked more girls than the entire hockey team combined. How is he a good guy when he fucks a different girl every weekend—sometimes two at a time—and I’m the devil for one single indiscretion?”
Oh, no. He didn’t just say that. “Because,” I jab my finger at his chest, punctuating every word. “Cole isn’t cheating on his girlfriend. Those girls know what’s at stake there, he doesn’t make promises he doesn’t intend to fulfill.”
To my surprise, Topher hangs his head. “I know I fucked up, Bay. If you had bothered listening to the million voice messages I sent you, or reading the dozens of DMs I wrote to you, you’d know how sorry I am. I was having a very rough time and I acted out. If I could take that afternoon back, I swear I would. I love you, Bay. Please can we work this out?”
His chest is pressed against mine, his fingers tracing the edge of my jaw, trying to coax me closer.
When he surges forward, crashing his lips on mine, I’m too stunned to react.
His mouth is hard, unyielding. His tongue tries pushing its way past my lips but I can’t, I won’t go there.
“Get away from me,” I snap, shoving him away. “You fucked one of my sisters in my own bed, how do you expect me to forgive that? But even if I could get past that, I can’t forgive all the other things you did.”
There’s hurt in Topher’s eyes.
Good. It’s unfair that I should be the only hurt party in this fucked up situation.
“Bay, please. That’s a misunderstanding. I meant no harm toward Lake, you must know that. It was just a game, I just wanted to push her to choose. I?—”