Page 52 of The Bro-code

Bay is no puck bunny and I need to make that clear right now.

“That,” I bite out, pointing a finger at Tucker. “That is exactly the type of shit that isn’t gonna fly. The second Bay sets foot in here, this is her home as much as it is ours. She needs to feel comfortable and safe here and that won’t happen with that kind of attitude.”

To my surprise and chagrin, Topher agrees with me.

“I agree with Cole,” he says with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Bay is objectively gorgeous, but you guys need to act like fucking gentlemen and not like a bunch of horny Neanderthals.”

That might be a problem.

Looking around the room at my frat brothers and teammates, I must admit that we’re a rowdy and horny bunch at the best of times.

“That was exactly my point,” Corey takes a long sip from his beer. “We’d have to spend the entire year walking on eggshells and we’d probably still make Bay feel uncomfortable.”

“Then be on your fucking best behavior,” Topher scolds him. “You of all people shouldn’t have a problem with this. You’re still a sophomore and the only reason you were allowed to move in is that we lost three of our seniors to the NHL. That’s why you and David got a room in the house. And may I remind you that as president, I could have vetoed it? So now do me a solid and don’t be a pain in the ass about letting Bay move in. It’s done anyway, I can’t go back on my word to the Dean.”

That shuts Corey and David up, but not Tucker.

“That’s all the new guy’s fault. If Moore had been a decent brother and moved into the house, with the rest of the team, we’d be at capacity. He’s lucky that Bay is hot, or I’d be pissed.”

I glare at our goalie and he throws his hands up in apology.

“Ok, ok, I fucking get it. No comments on Bay’s hotness in front of her. I’m getting it out of my system before she moves in. Cut me some fucking slack, dude.”

I roll my eyes but nod in Tucker’s direction. He isn’t a bad guy, just a bit too rowdy and immature and that’s what makes him fall prey to Topher’s shenanigans more often than not.

“So I’m glad it’s settled then,” Topher looks around the room. “Bay will move into Cash Hanbury’s old room and we’re all going to make her feel welcome?—”

“About that,” I interrupt him. “I don’t think Cash’s old room will do for Bay. I’m sure we can all agree that it would be much easier if Bay didn’t have to share a bathroom with any of us. One of the en-suite rooms would be more comfortable for her.”

Topher doesn’t realize my intention and falls right into my trap. “I agree with you, but my hands are tied. The only room that has an en-suite bathroom is Luca’s old room and after the discussion we just had, I doubt that Corey will agree to move.” He shrugs. “You should have moved rooms when I offered it to you, since you’re the team captain and a senior. Now you could be Bay’s knight in shining armor and give up your room to her.”

Hook, line and sinker.

A slow smile spreads onto my lips when I realize that I have Topher right where I wanted him. “Yeah, I think it would be harsh to ask Corey to move. But his room isn’t the only one with an en-suite bathroom.”

I don’t even have to say the words, Topher immediately catches my drift. “No, absolutely not. The presidential suite is the best room of the house for a reason. It’s for the fucking president. It’s unheard of for a president not to occupy his rightful quarters?—”

This is so much fun. “But you just said it. If you gave Bay your room, you’d be her knight in shining armor. God knows you need all the brownie points you can get after what you did in the spring.”

Topher is shaking his head. “No, no, no. That room was my father’s when he attended here and was Gamma president and my grandfather’s before him. It’s a Mumford tradition.”

I look around the room.

“Maybe we should put this to a vote.”

Unexpected help comes from Jagger, who’s been silently drinking his beer in the armchair opposite Topher’s. “I second that. I think Bay should have her own bathroom and it would be nice of us to give her the biggest room. We all know that chicks tend to have a ton of things.”

I don’t point out that this isn’t the case for Bay right now, since all her stuff was lost in the fire, but I’m sure Bay will replace most of it pretty quickly. “Ok, so all the brothers in favor of Bay Woods moving into the presidential suite, say aye.”

“NAY!” Topher’s loud vote is drowned by the otherwise unanimous “aye” of the rest of us.

“Then it’s settled,” I grin, echoing Topher’s earlier words just to piss him off. “Bay and some of her Zeta sisters went to the mall to shop for immediate necessities, I think we could use that time to help our president move out of his room.”

“Let’s do it,” Tucker slaps his hands together, getting up and starting toward the stairs.

“Wait,” Topher objects. “If that’s the case, I think I should take Luca’s old room.”

I shake my head. “You said it yourself, that Corey wouldn’t move. Come on dude, three brothers to each bathroom isn’t so bad since we have a weekly cleaning service. You must have had it worse freshman year in the dorms.”