Page 41 of The Bro-code

I should know better than to engage with him, but I can’t stand that cocky tone for one more second. “Are you saying you’re gonna do their war course? Usually you don’t want to go near that mud pit at the end.”

“Fuck,” Tucker chuckles. “I forgot about that. It’s almost better than the Yucks white t-shirts. There’s something about a girl covered in mud…”

I’m not about to yuck on his yum, but Tucker’s preference for wet garments is something I don’t necessarily get.

“This year there’s no war course,” Topher grins. “The Zetas are breaking with tradition and they have a kissing booth.”

“What?” Tucker is rubbing his hands together with anticipation. “Let’s go kiss some Zetas.”

“Hold your horses,” Topher grins. “To kiss a Zeta you need one of these chips. They had different colors to kiss different places and they sold out in a couple of hours. There was just one golden chip, the most expensive one. The man or woman in possession of this chip is entitled to a French kiss. The girls all did shifts at the booth tonight, the app should tell you who’s there now?”

I don’t even need to hear Corey’s confirmation of my suspicion.

“Right now Bianca and Bay are at the booth.”

“Let’s go,” Topher’s giddy tone promises nothing but trouble. “There’s a Zeta I’ve been dying to kiss and with this token? She can’t refuse me.”

I hope he means Bianca, since I have it on good authority that the two of them have hooked up a few times after Bay found them in bed together.

The evil smirk Topher throws in my direction however makes me fear for the worst.

I follow my brothers toward the Zeta house, hoping that my night isn’t going to end in a jail cell. Because if Topher does what I think he’s about to do? I’m gonna fucking kill him.




Iflank Cole as we walk to the Zeta house.

The scowl on his face doesn’t promise anything good and I want to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.

“Dude, you ok?”

His jaw ticks as his brow lowers in a menacing scowl. “No, I’m not. I don’t fucking get what our president is playing at.”

Right. I should have known this is about Bay. “So are you and Bay finally together?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “I told you a million times that it isn’t like that between us. Bay and I are just friends.”

Yeah and I’m gonna score a hat trick every game this season. “Are you sure there isn’t more to your relationship with her? It would be ok if it was. She’s single now, right? She’s fair game if you were waiting to make your move.”

He slows down as the Zeta house comes into view. “She’s my best friend, this is all.”

I don’t know why I’m insisting, Cole seems adamant. “She might even be your best friend, but she’s smoking hot. If you wanted to bone her, that would be totally understandable.”

What’s hard to understand is to not want to bone a perfect ten like Bay Woods.

I mean, fuck. Cole gets around as much as I do, so I understand if he doesn’t want to go there because he doesn’t want anything serious. Because this is the thing with women like Bay. She isn’t a one night stand kind of woman. With someone like her, you better go in for the long haul.

“I don’t want to bone her, Jugs.” He snaps. “I don’t see her that way, ok? But I care about her and she’s made it more than clear to Topher that unless it’s official Greek business, they’re done. Whether he’s gonna try to get a kiss from her with that token or from Bianca, the asshole is trying to mess with her. I’m not gonna stand around and let him hurt her more than he already did.”

That’s why Cole is my best friend.

He might not have the sunniest disposition in the world, but he’s loyal to a fault. On and off the ice.

“Whatever you do,” I warn him. “Just remember that you have a NHL team waiting for you with open arms after graduation and a scholarship that requires you to stay out of trouble. Don’t throw it all away for a girl you aren’t even trying to bone. Even if she’s your best friend.”