The woman I’ve been obsessing about for a couple of weeks has just offered to give me a blowjob. This is a win-win situation, if I ever saw one.
And yet…
“So to be clear,” I drawl. “You came here to offer me a blowjob before tomorrow’s game?”
She nods. That’s it, not another word.
“Bay,” I say, trying to wrap my head around this unexpected turn of events. “I don’t understand. How do you even know about this?”
I’m not gonna lie, the thought that this might be some kind of prank crosses my mind. After all, Candace and a few other bunnies are Zetas.
“I went downstairs to get some water and I heard you guys arguing about it. I think it’s extremely unfair that they’re blaming you for losing those two games.”
God, just when I thought I couldn’t possibly like her more. “Right? They are being unfair. So forgive me if I ask you why you decided to make me this offer. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate it, but it’s not like this is your problem. Are you doing it to piss off your ex?” I ask when the thought hits me.
Bay shrugs. “No, Topher has nothing to do with it. Even though, if this pisses him off, I consider it an added bonus.”
I chuckle. “Yeah, I get it. What he did to you is fucking wrong by the way. If he wanted to hook up with other girls, he should have broken up with you beforehand.”
She smiles for the first time since I opened the door to her. “Thanks. That means a lot. He keeps acting like he did nothing wrong and I’m overreacting.”
It doesn’t surprise me. “I’m sorry, Bay. To be honest with you though, I’m not surprised. Topher and I aren’t friends. For what it’s worth, he’s an even bigger idiot than I thought, losing someone like you for a meaningless fuck with Bianca.”
That must’ve been the right thing to say, because Bay’s smile widens. “Yeah, well. His loss, right?”
“Totally his loss,” I agree. “So if it isn’t to piss off Topher, why?”
Redness spreads on her face and neck and she lowers her gaze. “I can’t stop thinking about you. Since we kissed, I mean. It was…”
“The best kiss I’ve ever had.” I finish for her.
“Yeah,” she says softly, meeting my gaze again.
My first instinct is to do a victory lap around the room, but I don’t need to embarrass myself. Admitting that our kiss affected me too was already more than I wanted to disclose.
“So?” Bay asks. “Are you interested?”
“Of course I’m fucking interested.” I spit out almost interrupting her. I don’t want her to change her mind. “I was just wondering why you wanted to do it, that’s all.”
Bay raises a hand to slow my roll. “I have one condition though.”
It sounded too good to be true. What can she possibly want?
As I ask myself that question, I realize that it doesn’t matter. Unless she wants a vital organ to sell on the black market or my firstborn, I’m pretty sure I’ll agree to whatever she wants in exchange. Even if she wanted me to take her on a date. It’s not something I usually do—or I wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with—but I can think of worse things than having dinner with Bay Woods.
“I want you to kiss me again.”
At the risk of repeating myself, fuck.
“That’s what you want in return for blowing me before the game?” I ask.
She takes it the wrong way. “If that’s a deal breaker?—”
I close the distance between us with one short stride and crush her lips with mine, pulling her against me with one hand on her slender waist.
Her soft lips feel even better than I remembered, and the second I tease the seam of her mouth with my tongue, she allows me in.