Page 57 of The Bro-code

To my surprise, the noise outside my door wasn’t one of my teammates going downstairs. I find myself face to face with Bay. “Hey.” I greet her, taking in her Zeta Theta Beta pink hoodie and a pair of skintight black leggings that highlight her shapely legs and toned thighs.

Her blonde hair is in her trademark high ponytail but rather than the full face of makeup I’m used to seeing her in, today Bay is wearing just a lightly tinted lip gloss.

She’s stunning, no matter what she wears.

“I just went downstairs to get a soda,” she says, eying the can of Diet Coke in her hand. “I didn’t expect to see everyone in the living room. What’s going on?”

“Team meeting,” I inform her. “We have them here, it’s easier.”

She pulls on the blonde hair of her ponytail and I can’t help but track the movement. My fingers twitch at the memory of how silky that same ponytail felt when I kissed her and my hand was cupping her head.

“I see,” she looks relieved. “Glad it’s not a meeting about unwanted roommates.”

Her laugh is meant to be self-deprecating, but she looks nervous.

“I see no unwanted roommates,” I catch myself winking at her.

Why the fuck did I do that? I usually wink at girls when I’m flirting and it’s not like… shit. I am flirting with Bay Woods.

“I don’t know about that,” she blinks a couple of times and I notice that even without mascara, her eyelashes are really long. “Topher made it more than clear that giving me his room wasn’t his idea.”

She blinks again and the thought hits me that maybe she’s flirting too?

God, I fucking hope so.

Since we kissed Saturday night, I’ve been replaying that kiss in my head pretty much constantly.

Not only when I jerked off, which would be normal. No, I’ve been thinking about Bay’s lips, her subtle, sexy scent, her soft body and how she tasted. She tasted sweet and minty and fucking delicious. Usually it takes way more than one kiss to make such an impression on me but fuck me, that must have been the best kiss I’ve ever had. I hadn’t been daydreaming about a simple kiss since my very first kiss in middle school.

“Believe me, Bay,” I reassure her. “You’re more than welcome here. Besides, the Dean assigned the Zetas to new housing, so Topher will have to deal, whether he likes it or not. It only made sense for you to have your own bathroom, so giving you his room was a no brainer.”

“Thank you,” she says, touching my bicep for a second. “That means a lot. I’ll leave you to your meeting, Topher hates tardiness.”

A jolt of tingles hits me at the contact and I nod like a complete dumb ass, rather than saying anything. I guess it’s better to keep my mouth shut than to say something lame, but still.

Bay turns around, headed back to her room.

I want to think that the reason my dick stirs in my jeans is that her ass looks spectacular in those leggings, because it does.

The alternative, that I got a semi because she touched my arm is way too pathetic to even consider.

Maybe it’s because I haven’t hooked up with anyone since last weekend. I think I should fix that, but the idea of a hookup doesn’t spark the usual excitement. Not when even thinking about hooking up, the first thing that comes to my mind is that fucking kiss.

I make my way downstairs with the memory of Bay’s soft lips still occupying my mind in an endless loop.

If you asked me what my teammates are talking about, I wouldn’t be able to tell you. All I can think about is those blue eyes, that petite and yet luscious body. Bay isn’t fat by any means, but she has curves in all the right places.

Fuck, even her voice is sexy as fuck. How had I missed that before?

An elbow to my stomach brings me back to reality.

“Ouch,” I glare at Cole. “Why the fuck did you do that?”

“Jugs?” Topher asks, using the nickname I absolutely hate. “We’ve been trying to get your attention for the past two minutes but you were someplace else.”

Fuck, right. The stupid team meeting. “What’s up?” I try to sound normal.

“Your captain asked you a question,” Topher bites out, pointing toward Cole. “We were talking about our good luck traditions.”