“Holy shit,” I gawk. “Look at those Jasmine plants bordering the end of your backyard. It looks more like Italy or Greece than California.”
Lake sighs. “It’s prettier than I thought up here. Although I admit that I miss Star Cove. Bridgeport is much bigger and you know me, I’m not into the nightlife scene and all the parties. At first I thought the guys were crazy buying a mansion right outside of town, but now I’m grateful they did. We have our own stretch of private beach and it’s much quieter than downtown Bridgeport.”
I had no doubt that Cash, Blaze and Luca would take care of my sister, but I’m glad they’re doing everything they can to make sure she’s happy.
“You aren’t too isolated though, right?” I ask, immediately worried. “The guys will be on the road a lot once the hockey season starts, I don’t want you to feel lonely.”
Lake reassures me. “I won’t be. I’m still finishing the last two classes to complete my degree and since they’re online, I can follow them when they travel. If not, I could come down to Star Cove to see my favorite sister.”
“Brat,” I laugh. “I’m your only sister, I should take offense.”
Lake’s blue eyes sparkle with mischief. “You always insist that I’m your little sister, so I’m bound to be a little bratty.”
She’s the most un-bratty person I know. “I am your big sister, even if it's just by seven minutes. It’s my job to make sure you’re ok. Jokes aside, I’m glad you can go with your guys but I would absolutely love it if you came to visit.”
Lake returns suddenly serious. “I will as much as I can. You can come and see me too, right? And besides, we’ll get to spend some time together since you’re going to be my maid of honor.”
Her words almost don’t register as I start telling her how heavy my course load is this year with my double major. “Wait a second,” I stop mid sentence as I realize what she just said. “Maid of honor? Does that mean?—?”
Lakyn’s face splitting smile warms my heart. “Yeah, we set the date. We’re getting married a year from today in Montebello. Luca wanted to elope, but King Gilberto was adamant that now that the parliament reinstated Montebello’s form of government as a constitutional monarchy, his people expect a royal wedding.”
“Holy shit, Lake,” I squeal. “You’re gonna be a Princess. One day you’ll be Queen.”
Lake dismisses my excitement with a gesture of her hand, as if she was swatting a bug. “Hush. That’s not going to be for decades. Luca’s Dad is still young and has no intention of abdicating.”
“Still,” I argue. “One day I’ll have a sister who’s a legit queen. I bet then Topher’s parents will wish they weren’t so quick to deem me unsuitable for their precious son.”
I realize I said too much when I see Lake’s frown, but its too late to take it back. “What do you mean?”
Maybe it’s time to fess up about what happened last Christmas.
“Bay,” Lakyn looks genuinely shocked. “That’s awful. ‘Just two teachers?’ How fucking dare they? Mom and Dad are honest, hard-working people. They should be ashamed of themselves for saying that.”
I know she’s right. That’s why I feel even guiltier because for a minute there, I felt like they were right.
I felt like Topher was settling down by wanting to propose.
“You’re right, Lake. I just—” My voice breaks.
“Don’t you dare cry, Bay.” My sister’s tone is suddenly hard. “Topher doesn’t deserve one single tear. What I don’t get is why you didn’t dump him there and then.”
It’s complicated. “A part of me wanted to, but he defended me with his dad. He said he loved me.”
Lakyn’s tone softens. “But he didn’t propose, right?”
I can’t argue with that. “He didn’t. I guess deep down, he agreed with his parents.”
My sister looks positively pissed off. “Bay, listen to me. You deserve better than Topher. Please don’t let him talk you into giving him another chance.”
I snort, but I’m still crying. It comes out like a wet, messy sound. “After what he did to you? And after he screwed Bianca in my bed? No way in hell.”
“Good,” Lake nods. “Talking about what happened, I wouldn’t be able to sleep in the same bed where he…”
My second snort is much better. “You know me, I didn’t.” I turn the camera to show her my new bed. “I ordered a new bed, mattress, bedding, everything is new. There was no way I could sleep on tainted furniture.”
Lake looks satisfied. “Good. Now there’s only one thing to plan to make your senior year one to remember.”