I follow him out of the bathroom, oblivious to the way the cabin crew looks at me, probably imagining what almost happened in there.
Rather than going to sit down, I walk a couple of rows down.
“If you swap seats with me for landing, I’ll give you fifty bucks.” I offer to the soldier who is just putting away his pillow and blanket. I think it’s the same guy who stole the cinnamon roll, but right now it doesn’t matter.
Thankfully the guy grabs the dollar bills in my hand. “Sure, gorgeous.”
As I get ready for landing, I’m vaguely aware of Ryker’s annoyed voice as he argues with the cabin crew and he’s ordered to sit down or else.
I tune him out, staring at Star Cove’s lights becoming closer and closer beneath us.
My body is still humming with residual excitement from the almost encounter with Ryker, but I ignore it.
I almost made a mistake tonight.
This year, there’s no room for mistakes. I need to get my degree, apply to grad school and continue to grow my business.
I’m not interested in men. The last thing I need is another hockey player to break my heart.
This year I need to keep my eyes on the prize. My mind is made up, I’m going to eat, breathe and sleep school and business.
The anticipation is killing me.
I haven’t seen Bay since the end of last year’s season and I’m beyond excited as I wait for her by the arrivals at the airport.
I wish Bay hadn’t run away to Europe after finding Topher in bed with a puck bunny.
By the time I came out of the locker room after winning the Frozen Four finals, Bay was already on a private jet to Montebello and all I was left with was a tearful voicemail.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to Luca for helping Bay in her time of need, but I wish I could have been the one to do that.
My summer was spent training with the Hartford Heroes, the team that drafted me straight after our championship win. I wouldn’t have hesitated to ask Bay to come with me; it actually would have been nice to have someone to come home to after a long day on the ice and in the gym. Bay would have found a way to entertain herself during my training hours. My best friend is incredibly independent, it’s one of the things I love about her.
That’s one word I use plenty of times with her, but not the way I’d like to.
The truth is that I’m madly, desperately, hopelessly in love with Bay Woods.
If anyone had ever told me that I would fall in love at first sight, I would have laughed, and yet, here I am.
She can never know though, because… yeah, I’m not getting into that right now.
I spot her the second she comes out pushing a cart laden with bags and I take advantage of the fact that she hasn’t seen me yet to look my fill.
Damn, she’s the most beautiful woman in the world.
It isn’t just her perfect body, her long blonde hair, those big blue eyes that seem to always see deep into my fucking soul.
It isn’t the perfection of her lips, the way she moves, her warm, sexy voice.
All of those things would make me want her, sure. It’s her personality though that makes me love her the way I do.