If Cash is willing to give our relationship a real shot, without asking me to break up with Blaze and Luca, I want him to know how much he means to me without any doubt.
“They’re in the front, inside one of the slots next to where my credit card is.”
I retrieve the brown leather wallet, dropping his jeans on the bed by my side.
I open it and move the internal flap that houses the credit card slots on both sides since there aren’t any condoms on the side that’s immediately facing me.
The inner side of the flap is double with a couple of extra panels of slots, like the pages of a booklet.
I move the first flap, intent on my search but stop when I see a couple of photos where instead of credit card slots, the wallet has two clear windows.
One photo is of a younger Cash in a different hockey jersey than the Cove Knights.
I assume it must be his high school team; the uniform has the word “Comets” stitched on it. It makes sense that the team is named after a celestial body, since Cash grew up here in Star Cove and Star is in the town name.
As I change the page to look at the second photo, Cash is distracted by his phone lighting up in the other pocket of his jeans.
“Baby,” he says frowning. “Mind if I take this real quick?”
I nod and he hops off the bed, walking out of my bedroom.
I’m not worried about him being buck naked, because Tasha isn’t going to be home for several hours, if at all.
Still looking for condoms, I find them in the next flap that’s attached to the actual main wallet.
My attention however is attracted by the second photo.
It must be recent, because Cash looks exactly the same as he does now.
But it isn’t the smile on my boyfriend’s handsome face that makes me stare at that picture for a long time.
It’s the people in the photo with Cash.
He has his arms around a stunning blonde woman.
They look cozy together and they aren’t alone in the photo.
Two blond kids, a boy and a girl are smiling at the camera.
They’re the spitting image of Cash, with the same dark blond hair and gray eyes.
The little girl has the same dimple that often appears on one of Cash’s cheeks when he lets his trademark barely there smile turn into a full grin.
The boy looks like I imagine Cash would have looked as a kid. They’re toddlers, they can’t be more than three or four-years-old.
The thought hits me all of a sudden, unwanted and bitter like the bile that is suddenly coating my tongue.
Who are these people?
The way Cash is holding the woman is protective and… possessive.
He said that about himself.
Those kids look so similar to Cash that they could be his kids.
Is that possible? Could Cash be a father? I mean, it’s not impossible.
Cash is twenty years old, if those kids are three, he could have had them at seventeen.