I wonder what his take of tonight’s game will be.
To my surprise, he doesn’t come into the locker room.
“Well done everyone,” one of the assistant coaches says. “Coach Harrison wants to see you all on the ice tomorrow morning at 0700 sharp. So if you’re going to party, don’t overdo it.”
Questions are fired at him from my incredulous teammates, but the assistant coach shrugs. “That’s all I have for you, gentlemen. See you all tomorrow bright and early.”
We didn’t make any deliberate plans on how to get to the party, but I’m going on a limb and assuming that Blaze rode to the arena.
He’s adamant that riding his bike before a game helps him clear his head and he follows his good luck rituals almost religiously.
“Are you sure?” Bay asks when I tell her I’ll be waiting for Blaze out back rather than out front in the parking area reserved for the home team. “Topher and I would be more than happy to give you a ride to the Gamma house.”
I shake my head. “Don’t worry, I’m sure Blaze has his bike. He always leaves it out back.”
“What if he doesn’t?” my sister asks.
“Then I’ll get an Uber. Stop worrying, Mom.” I giggle, my tone teasing rather than confrontational.
Bay’s gaze is still fixed into mine though, no trace of a smile on her face. “Are you sure you’re alright?” she looks at me as if she was trying to see deep into my soul. “You’ve been a little off all afternoon. And don’t bother lying to me about it, you know nothing gets past my twin sixth sense.”
Sometimes I really can’t with my sister. Anyone who knows me even a little bit would be able to tell that something’s on my mind; it doesn’t take some magic twin connection to see that. If she really had the special intuition she claims she has when it comes to me, she would know why I’m so preoccupied.
The reason has been on the tip of my tongue all afternoon. I can’t stand seeing her wasting her time with Topher for one more second; that asshole doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as someone amazing like Bay.
However Topher was more than clear about what he’s gonna do if I tattle and while I’d be more than happy to risk my own scholarship for the sake of showing Bay who she’s really dating, I can’t risk ruining things for Cash and causing trouble to Blaze and Luca.
Like they were honest with me about the dare, I think I need to tell them what Topher threatened to do if Bay finds out about the bet.
Maybe I should find Cole at the party and see what he thinks. I know he hates Topher and he cares for Bay just as much as I do.
Until then though, I need to keep up the ruse that nothing is amiss.
I stifle an eye roll to throw her off the scent of the real reason why I was so quiet. “I promise I’m fine. It’s just having Jon here that is fucking with me. I hope he got the message this morning that I’m not interested in picking up where we left off or even being friends. Finding him waiting for me outside the house this morning was pretty disturbing.”
Bay keeps her eyes on me for a long moment and I hold her gaze. It’s like looking into a mirror that shows me a slightly different version of me.
My twin sister is everything I’ve ever aspired to be and never had the courage to pursue. It takes courage to put yourself out there the way she does and I’ve always been too self-conscious, too afraid of the harsh judgment the outside world doles out without any regard for the devastating effect it can have on others.
If Bay hadn’t bought me those dates at that charity auction, I would have never even tried to talk to hot, popular guys like Cash, Blaze and Luca.
“Ok,” she says softly, squeezing my arm in a comforting gesture. “I’ll see you at the Gamma house. But if there’s any problem, call me. I’ll make sure to tell the Gamma pledges to keep their eye out for Dipshit. Tonight’s a relatively smaller party than last time and they should spot him pretty easily if he shows.”
I nod. “Thank you.”
She smiles at me. “Don’t even mention it. I’ve been waiting for years to see you kick that asshole to the curb.”
It’s impossible to stifle the laugh that bubbles to the surface. She knows the feeling is absolutely mutual when it comes to her loser boyfriend.
“I know, I know,” she says, suddenly pensive. “You and Topher didn’t exactly start on the best of terms. And I’m not gonna lie, things have been pretty rough since we came back to campus from summer break. We’ve been fighting a lot. But then yesterday he came to the house with that gorgeous present and when he invited me to go home with him for Christmas, he told me that he wants us to get more serious.”
Could have totally fooled me.
Bay doesn’t miss my skeptical expression. “I told him that my family is too important to me and that the man I’ll marry will have to have a good relationship with Mom and Dad, but especially with you. He promised me that he would make more of an effort with you and it would mean the world to me if you gave him a chance, Lake.”