I’ve been looking for Topher since last night and the asshole is nowhere to be found.
I’m pretty sure he figured out after seeing that post that Lake would tell me what he did.
If he isn’t the one who posted that trash.
That’s right.
I shake my head. The voice in my head sounds suspiciously like my twin sister. I swear to God, Lakyn is practically my conscience.
I know he has been threatening the Gamma brothers with some leverage he has on them but he better not use that shit.
The Greek system thrives on that kind of initiation secrets that are meant to ensure undying loyalty from the brothers and sisters.
But the tasks asked of them can’t be illegal and can’t be used to blackmail people the way he did.
He better not do anything stupid or after dumping his sorry ass for being a creep and a liar, I’ll make sure that he gets kicked out of Gamma Delta Tau.
I try his phone number for the hundredth time since last night and all I get is his voice mail.
This is Topher, I can’t answer the phone right now. Leave a message and if it’s anything worth my time, I’ll hit you back.
Damn, even his answer machine is a douche. How could I ever think it was quirky? He said it was ironic and I believed him, but at this point, I doubt it.
I hang up and shoot him another text.
Topher, where the hell are you? I’m starting to get worried. Look, call me or text me asap, we really need to talk.
Nothing, the text doesn’t show delivered, a red exclamation mark next to it. It’s the same if I try to text Lakyn.
I’ve just been to the Gamma house again, he didn’t go home last night and the house was deserted now.
Fuck, I realize everyone must be at the ice rink. Most of the hockey team are brothers and the ones who play football or soccer or are on the swim team, will be there anyway to support their frat brothers.
Topher has been riding the bench a lot lately, but I’m pretty sure he must be there.
I should go too, I decide. I love hockey and Lake will be there since she texted me that everything is ok with her guys.
I keep trying to text her back but the annoying exclamation mark is all I get. If I call her, it keeps going to voicemail. I wonder if there’s a problem with my phone, it hasn’t been working properly since I dropped it yesterday on the hardwood floor of the Grand Hotel conference room when the royal family’s security escorted us out after all hell broke lose when that post went live.
Maybe this is why I can’t reach Topher. Maybe he tried to get in touch and if my phone isn’t working, he can’t reach me either.
But then if that’s the case, why do Lake's texts get through to me?
I need a new phone. I should have a brand new one in my desk, I receive all sorts of gifts from companies who want me to promote their products on my blogs and YouTube channel.
I could probably also do with refreshing my makeup, since I’ve been out all day, looking for Toph.
I pull in front of the Zeta house, relieved that the house is quiet and empty. Everyone is probably at the arena. I must be the only person on campus who’s missing the championship final, I swear.
I run up the stairs, headed straight to my room but stop short of opening the door because it’s ajar.
I exhale, exasperated that someone must have borrowed clothing or makeup and not bothered to close the door. I seriously don’t mind sharing all the extra stuff I have with my sisters, but isn’t respecting my personal space the least they could do?