Page 98 of The Trophy

My jaw drops and I stare at my twin sister with my mouth open, like a fish out of water. “You have your own line of hair products?”

“Not hair products yet,” Bay explains. “Just styling tools for now. This very popular company reached out to me, impressed by my following across all social media. They wanted to explore a collaboration with me and this is the result. I got a high five figure advance and royalties on the sales of the line. I’m not going to put my name to any hair products or actual cosmetics until I can participate in creating their formula as well as the packaging and marketing.”

I know that’s Bay’s dream, to have her own cosmetics company and to be involved in every aspect of production. “You’ll get that.” I say. “But that’s an impressive start. Do Mom and Dad know?”

Bay shakes her head. “Not yet. You’re the only person I told. I’m going to make the official announcement to our families at Christmas. I have gift boxes of the entire range for Mom and for Topher’s Mom.”

“That’s a tremendous gift,” I say. “They’ll love it.”

“I know Mom will,” Bay sighs. “Hopefully Topher’s Mom will like it too. And maybe be a little impressed.”

I take Bay’s perfectly manicured hand. “Are you nervous about meeting his family?”

“A little,” she admits. “His Mom is like this blue blood, Jackie O’ type. Yale educated and involved in a million charity committees. His parents are often invited to the White House. I hope they like me.”

I hate that she’s so nervous about meeting that douche’s pretentious family. Not that I’d have anything against them just for being the typical upper one percent WASPS; but forgive me if I’m naturally diffident toward the people who produced Topher.

“Bay,” I say, squeezing her hand. “They’d be insane not to love you. I’m sure they know that Topher isn’t exactly Prince Charming.”

I know I said the wrong thing, when Bay takes her hand out of mine and a frown appears on her face.

“Lake, can you please not?” she sighs. “I don’t expect you and Topher to be best friends, but he’s trying.”

Oh, he’s trying all right.

I think that but I don’t say it out loud.

“I’m sorry, Bay. But can you blame me if I have very high standards when it comes to deserving you?”

Her expression softens. “I appreciate the sentiment, Lakey. Truth be told, until very recently, our relationship wasn’t what it used to be. Since we went to his family’s house in Antigua for the summer, Topher acted differently. We fought constantly and I was seriously thinking about breaking up with him.”

That would have been good riddance, but I know better than to say that. “You know I’ve never understood what you see in Topher.” I can’t help but admit.

“I know you don’t believe me, because he has this cocky exterior. But deep down, Topher can be caring and he would do anything for the people he loves. In a way, he reminds me of Luca, you know? A little arrogant on the outside but with a heart of gold.”

My skeptical expression must say more than a thousand words.

“Just give him a chance, Bay,” she pleads. “Lately he’s been really trying. Things have been good between us, almost as good as when we first started dating.”

I don’t want to tell Bay that even when they started dating, Topher was the same asshole he is today. I regret not telling her that he hit on me at the same party where they met, just before he ran into her. Topher supposedly took care of her when someone put a roofie in her drink and Bay thought he was her knight in shining armor.

All I can say is that I guess at least he isn’t a rapist, but that alone doesn’t make him a nice guy, worthy of my sister.

“I just want you to be happy, Bay,” I say honestly.

What I don’t say is that I don’t think Topher is the man who will make her happy.

She hugs me and I hold her tight for a long moment. “Seriously, his parents would be crazy not to love you.”

“Thank you,” she says, hugging me so tight, I can barely breathe.“What about you? Are you still planning on going home for Christmas?”

I nod. “Yup. So Mom can torture me with a zillion questions about you and Topher.”

Bay giggles. “That’s if she doesn’t ask you about you and Luca. When she’s going to hear that you might become a legit princess one day, she’ll freak out.”

Shit. She might be right. “God, you planned this perfectly. You’ll be in Connecticut, in Topher’s mansion, and I’ll get grilled for both of us.”

My sister winks at me. “Lucky escape, huh? But seriously, I’m surprised Luca isn’t whisking you somewhere super fancy. Or taking you home to Montebello.”