Page 97 of The Trophy

I realize why when he mentions that he’s with Bay. Is it possible that the reason for Topher’s behavior is that he likes Lakyn or that in his fucked up mind, he thinks he’s entitled to both sisters?

I think that might be exactly the reason for his behavior; I remember Lakyn telling me that he hit on her when they first met.


If I’m right, we need to be extra careful.

The saying talks about a woman scorned, but with an asshole like Topher? I don’t want to find out what happens when he feels like he’s been duped.




“Thank you for coming to help me with my hair, babe,” I smile at my sister in the mirror of my bedroom as she curls the last strand of my hair.

“So, which one of your three hunks is taking you out tonight?” she asks.

“Blaze,” I say with a look on my face that even I know is dreamy.

“You look happy,” Bay beams. “I’m glad things are working out for you, sis. I just can’t believe that the guys have decided to continue dating you together indefinitely.”

“Remember you can’t tell anyone,” I remind her. “Not even Topher.”

Bay rolls her eyes. “I know, I know. Luca’s father wouldn’t approve, and until he’s sure he can go pro, he can’t piss off the King, so you’re telling the world you’re Luca’s girlfriend. Your secret is safe with me, you know that, right?”

I nod.

I trust Bay one hundred percent. I have no doubt that between me and anyone else in the world, her loyalty would always lay with me.

However, I want to make sure she doesn’t tell the one person who would probably love to cause trouble.

Bay deserves to know who she’s really dating. The truth is on the tip of my tongue, but too many people have too much to lose until we find a way to neutralize Topher.

“I know,” I reassure her. “But I tell my guys everything, so I assume you do the same with your own boyfriend.”

“Please,” Bay snorts. “I would never tell Topher a secret. He’s such a gossip. I haven’t even told him my news yet,” she smiles, unplugging the hair curler.

My eyes follow her hand and land on the tool Bay has used to curl my hair.

“Damn sis,” I tease her. “I know our last name is Woods and we’re blondes and you’re a sorority girl, but don’t you think a pink, bedazzled hair curler wand is a little too much even for you?”

She doesn’t take offense, a little smile dancing on her lips. “This wasn’t my idea, but look.”

I take the wand from her to examine it more closely. “It says Bay W. on it. Did you do that?”

Bay takes the hair tool back from me. “Look, you aren’t the only one who has a secret. Can I trust you to keep something between us until Christmas?”

I roll my eyes. “Duh. You know whatever you tell me is in the vault.”

Her smile softens. “I know. I couldn’t ask for a better little sister.”

I snort, Bay will never change. “Will you ever stop holding those seven minutes over my head? We’re twins, we were born together.”

“Nah,” she laughs. “I’m not gonna give up my big sis status all that easily. But since you noticed, check these out.”

She opens her hair tool tote, showing me a hair dryer, a set of straighteners, a hair brush and six curlers that match the curling iron. “These are samples of the new Bay W. hair styling tools line that’s about to hit the stores this Christmas.”