At this point, I think I need to be totally honest with Blaze and Cash. “Yeah, let’s say moderately progressive. The deal is I have to get picked up by a NHL team. No farm teams and not trying to get picked up as a free agent after the draft. So it’s either sign a contract now, or wait for the draft. But after that, it’s game over.”
“I don’t think you’ll have any problems to get drafted, Luca,” Blaze says. “Aside from having won Frozen Four last year, I agree with Cash that you’re one of the best left wingers in the league.”
Hearing my teammates say that feels good. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, guys. Being King is my father’s dream. The NHL is mine. To be entirely honest, I had my agent put out feelers to see if I can get a contract before the draft. I’m due to fly to Bridgeport after the season ends, to discuss signing with the Bridgeport Warriors. What?”
I ask, when I see my teammates sporting matching grins.
“That’s my dad’s old team,” Cash says. “I’m flying to Bridgeport right after spring break to talk to them. They’re very interested in signing me before I enter the draft.”
“You don’t say,” I chuckle, before turning to look at Blaze. “Why are you laughing?”
Maybe his answer shouldn’t surprise me. “The Bridgeport Warriors wanted to sign me straight out of high school. I was ready to pack my bags and ride to Bridgeport the day after graduation. My father however was absolutely adamant that it wasn’t going to happen. He gave me two options. Go to college or enlist in the army. So here I am.”
Blaze’s father sounds remarkably like mine. “Weren’t you already eighteen though? How come you listened?”
“He wasn’t against me playing professional hockey per se,” Blaze explains. “He knew I had no desire to join the military. He just wanted me to get an education, just in case something happened. Too many athletes get injured before they even reach their full potential. One of the examples he offered was Cash’s dad. Sorry, dude.”
It’s Cash’s turn to clap Blaze on the shoulder. “No, your dad was right. That’s why mine made me promise to get my degree no matter what. So I assume you’re meeting with Bridgeport after the season ends?”
Blaze laughs. “You can bet your ass I am.”
We look at one another, letting the situation sink in.
“Non ci posso credere (I can’t believe that),” I chuckle. “My Nonna believed in fate and signs and as a kid, I used to tease her for it. But if this isn’t a sign, I don’t know what is.”
Blaze’s ear to ear grin is contagious. “If we all went to Bridgeport, it would be ideal. We’d have to probably go long distance until Lake graduates, but then she could move to Bridgeport with us.”
Cash nods. “Right. She’s a librarian and I’m sure there’s at least one library in Bridgeport.”
“Between the three of us, she doesn’t have to work unless she wants to,” I add.
“Of course she will,” Cash snorts. “Have you met Lakyn? She’s as independent as they come.”
I can’t disagree with his assessment. “True. So it’s settled, right? We’ll do our best to sign early with Bridgeport.”
“Deal.” Cash and Blaze say in unison.
“So once we sign, all we need to do is to determine whether the Bridgeport Warriors want us to report to their training facility immediately or they’ll let us finish the academic year.”
Cash shrugs. “Whether they do or not, there are two things that are a given. The second we sign a professional contract, we can’t play here anymore.”
He’s right. “Yeah, as pro athletes, we can’t play in an NCAA team. What’s the second thing that’s a given?”
“If we’re all in Bridgeport during the summer, hopefully Lake will join us.”
I can’t believe that for once things are working out the way we want.
I’m not sure if I believe in fate, but when the stars align, who am I to question it?
There’s still one thing we need to discuss and I want to bring it up before everyone starts showing up for training. “So what do we do about this team captain situation?”
Cash shakes his head, visibly annoyed. “Good point. I wish Topher hadn’t decided to turn it into one of his challenges and we could let the team choose as Coach intended.”
“True,” Luca agrees. “If everything goes well, they’ll need a new captain anyway.”
He’s right, but this doesn’t mean we don’t have a problem right now. “Yeah, but what do we do for now? We can’t tell him that we’re all dating her.”