Page 92 of The Trophy

Cash chuckles. “Especially with you. From what I hear, she thought you were a shallow, snobby man-whore.”

I don’t even try to argue with that. “What can I say? Deep down I hate that people believe the image the press and the gossip media like to paint of me, but in a way, it helps me keep the wrong people from getting too close.”

Cash nods, suddenly serious. “I get that. You had my opposite problem; I was worried about being dumped because my family struggles financially and you were worried about being wanted just because yours has tons of money and a title.”

He pretty much nailed it. “Yeah. Believe me, it isn’t fun to have to ask someone to sign an NDA before you even kiss them. With Lake I didn’t need any of it.”

“So you didn’t even bring one of those ridiculous forms with you when you went on your first date with her?” Blaze asks.

I shake my head. “Oh, I had one with me and I intended to ask her to sign it, if things went in the direction I hoped.”

“Why didn’t you? Lake told us she more than kissed all of us on those auction dates,” Cash comments.

“Oh I know. She admitted that she was trying to see our cocks to compare them with an unsolicited dick pic she had received. But when I took her to dinner, I just knew by the first course that Lakyn wasn’t after my title and my money. If anything, those things were hurting my chances with her.”

There’s a moment of silence as we look at one another.

“So we’re really doing this, huh?” Blaze smiles.

“Fuck me,” Cash grumble. “I never thought I’d say this, but yeah. It looks like we’re really doing this. On this note, guys, I wanted to make sure you understand where I stand when it comes to Lakyn.”

“That sounds serious,” I tease him. “Parla (tell me), what’s up?”

Cash looks from me to Blaze. “I don’t know you two, but when I say I’m all in with her, I mean it. I mean she’s my end game. The one. Is it the same for you too?”

For a second, I think Cash might be trying to go back on his decision to give this relationship a real try, but it doesn’t sound like it, after Blaze challenges him about it.

“I think Lake is the one for me too,” our enforcer says. “Why would you even question it?”

“I’m not,” Cash explains. “But if that’s the case for all three of us, don’t we need to discuss what happens after college? I told Lake I might leave school even before the draft. And if that’s the case, we’ll find a way to make it work until she graduates. What about you?”

Blaze frowns. “That was my plan too.”

I nod. “And mine.”

“Are you going to go pro too?” Cash asks me, an incredulous expression on his face.

“Why?” I bristle. “Do you think I don’t have what it takes to play NHL hockey?”

Maybe my tone is a little harsh, at least judging by the way Cash recoils, his hand palm up, as if to physically keep me from going on the offensive.

“On the contrary, dude. You’re one of the best left wingers I’ve ever seen on collegiate ice. But you have to admit, it’s not like you don’t have other opportunities for the future. I mean, unless the media are making it up, aren’t you the crown prince of Montebello?”

I understand what Cash is trying to ask me. “I am,” I confirm, appeased by the fact that he got the name of my country right and didn’t assume I’m from Italy, like ninety-nine percent of the people I meet.

“Then I hope you understand why I asked,” Cash continues. “Don’t you have obligations that come with your title? And before you react, I’m not trying to say that you aren’t serious about Lake.”

I sigh, undoing the laces of my skates and redoing them again in a nervous tick. “In theory, yeah,” I admit. “I’m first in line for the throne. Not that it means much since Montebello has been a republic for almost eighty years.”

“Isn’t your father trying to convince the parliament to allow a new referendum to bring back the monarchy? I think I read he wants to create a constitutional monarchy, like in the UK.” Blaze asks.

I bark out a laugh. “Sti cazzi (fuck), I never knew you followed European politics so closely.”

He shrugs. “I googled Montebello when I heard you had been recruited to come to Star Cove. Your country has a very interesting history, so I kept up with current events.”

Fair enough. “Look, you’re right. In theory, if the monarchy is reinstated, my title becomes more than just a honorary thing. However, I have a deal with the King. If I get drafted and truly picked up by an NHL team, he’ll allow me to have a career in professional hockey. My father is still young and healthy, so that should be no problem in terms of succession at least for the foreseeable future. If things change on that front, I know my sister would be more than happy to step up. She might not be first in line to the throne, but she’s always been more interested in politics and state affairs than I could ever be.”

Cash considers my words. “And your father would just let you walk away from your birthright if you get drafted? That’s very progressive.”