The low moan that comes out of his mouth settles right down between my legs and I’m dying for more.
I slide his boxers down his trim hips with deft fingers, marveling at how thick and long he is. All my three men are definitely blessed when it comes to the size of their dicks. I don’t have just Jon’s disgusting dick pic as a reference, Bay and I once looked at some porn videos when we were in high school.
She was thinking about sleeping with her quarterback boyfriend and we were both curious about how a man really looked down there.
I mean, if porn stars should be considered the gold standard of the male form—and I doubt that’s the case—even then, Cash, Blaze and Luca are way above average.
Bay confirmed that Blaze is pretty big when she saw him streaking at the Gamma party after “losing” the seven minutes in heaven challenge.
I stroke him again, wrapping my fingers around the base of his thick shaft.
His skin there is taut but silky soft and I could touch him for hours.
“Baby,” he groans. “If you keep doing that, I’ll be done in no time and that wasn’t my plan for tonight.”
I don’t stop touching him, I just slow down, gliding my closed fist from base to tip in a slow, hypnotic motion. “Really? And what was your plan for tonight?” I tease.
His gray eyes are intense, darkened by the same desire that’s coursing through my own body. “I was hoping you and I could get closer,” he offers, not disclosing as much as I was hoping.
“How close?” I ask with another slow stroke, rubbing the pad of my thumb over the sensitive skin under his crown.
The corner of his lips quirks up in that barely there smile that’s so typical of Cash. “As close as two people can get, baby. I want to know how it feels to be inside of that perfect little pussy of yours.”
In LA, Cash and I didn’t get to do the actual deed. I wanted it, but he wasn’t comfortable without using a condom, so I ended up taking him into my mouth instead.
“Shit,” I stop touching him when I realize that I fucked up. “Cash, I’m so sorry. I know not having a condom is a deal breaker for you, but… I was so excited about making you dinner and so preoccupied with all the things we needed to talk about, that I didn’t think about getting any protection.”
Before going on those auction dates, I never even had the need to keep condoms in the house; Jon and I were long distance and my ex was adamant about waiting for marriage, so that made condoms totally useless.
I don’t want to wait one more second to finally seal the deal with Cash and I’m worried that going out to buy condoms now will break the mood, unless…
“Maybe Tasha has some,” I think out loud.
My roommate and I became very good friends and I know she wouldn’t be mad if I went in her room when she isn’t around.
“Or maybe,” Cash offers. “I thought about it and have some with me.”
I was about to climb out of bed, but I stop in my tracks. “Do you?”
“I—I didn’t want to presume you’d sleep with me, baby,” he says apologetically. “But in LA, I didn’t presume and that meant we didn’t get to be together the way I wanted. So I thought this time, I’d be prepared, just in case.”
I plant an excited kiss on Cash’s soft lips. “I love a guy who thinks ahead?—”
I didn’t mean to use the L-word and I freeze on the spot, my eyes wide like the proverbial deer in front of headlights. “I mean—I didn’t mean—wait, what I mean is?—”
Cash chuckles. “I know what you mean, baby. And thank fuck I’m prepared this time.”
My mood improves tenfold. “Yeah?”
He nods toward the pile of our discarded clothes on my bedroom floor. “In my wallet, back pocket of my jeans.”
He shifts in that direction but I hop off the bed faster than him. “Let me grab it for you.”
I get his jeans and run back on the bed. I know I’m giving away how eager I am to have sex with him but fuck it.