Page 64 of The Trophy

I wish we could just enjoy each other’s company without a care in the world, but I need Cash to know what Topher is up to.

“Look, there’s no easy way to say this,” I begin. “So I’ll just tell you what transpired yesterday. You’re one of the people who has the most to lose if things go south.”

I tell him everything, from my exchange with Topher, to my conversation with Cole at last night’s party.

“That motherfucker,” Cash shakes his head, as if he was struggling to make sense of what he just heard.

It’s just the opposite though.

“Now I get why Cole, Jagger and some of the guys I consider decent on the team, didn’t put up more of a fight when Topher decided on that stupid dare.”

I consider his words and I can’t keep from asking the question that’s burning the tip of my tongue. “So does Topher have something on you too?”

I know I’m right even before he confirms it. “Yeah. Gamma Delta Tau’s initiation is designed to ensure the brothers’ loyalty way beyond graduation. Some brothers were asked to do stuff that’s illegal,” he explains. “Some other stuff is just embarrassing if you consider that some of the guys—like Topher—aren’t going to pursue a professional hockey career after college. They’re all going to be hot shot lawyers, doctors, judges, politicians. We have two former US presidents in our ranks. As long as we stick together and support the other Gamma brothers, that stuff will stay buried.”

I’m dying to ask him what he had to do to become a Gamma Delta Tau member, but I know he isn’t allowed to tell me, so I move on.

“I just wanted you to know what’s going on, Cash,” I say. “Since you’re on a scholarship like me.”

He shakes his head. “I have a meeting with the Bridgeport Warriors in the new year. They’re looking to sign me on before the draft. I have wanted to play for them since they were founded in 2017. I might be even more interested now.”

I don’t understand. “Why do you say that?”

His jaw pops, his handsome features turning into a scowl. “I don’t think Topher might try to create a scandal to get back at Luca for taking the chance to be captain away from him. I think he definitely will. So if that dare will get us kicked out of the team, I can only hope to have a signed contract, so I don’t have to worry about finishing the season here.”

My stomach tightens at just the idea of Cash going to Bridgeport before the academic year is over. “Really?” I can’t help but saying. “You don’t want to get your degree first?”

I know this is coming from a totally selfish place. But cut me some slack, I thought we had until the end of our senior year to figure out the future; that way our relationship would have had the chance to grow.

“Baby,” his gray eyes bear into mine. “What’s happening? Where did you just go?”

“I just?—”

What the fuck is wrong with me? I can’t finish my sentence unless I want to burst into tears.

God, I hate people who cry for no reason. Even though I wouldn’t call losing Cash no reason.

He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, his fingers skimming on the sensitive skin there in a gentle touch. “Lakyn, talk to me,” he says softly. “Don’t even try to tell me that nothing is wrong, I can see it in your eyes.”

If he had rolled his eyes or mocked me for being the typical girl who cries the second something doesn’t go her way, I would have probably found it easier to compose myself. His caring expression, the concern in his tone and that look in his eyes, like he cares about me, make it all worse.

“I’m fine,” I argue.

“Baby please,” he objects. “If I said something wrong—is it about the Gamma initiation? I know it’s supposed to be a secret, but I can tell you. I trust you to keep it between us. They took me to Bridgeport, to a spot where girls and women wait to sell themselves to people looking for sexual favors. I had to stop the car and negotiate some sex acts the brothers chose.”

His revelation momentarily distracts me from the thought of him moving away sooner than expected. “You had to go with a prostitute?”

Cash shakes his head. “Fuck, no. I just had to get them to tell me a price and agree to get in the car with me, then I could leave. There were two Gamma brothers in the back of the vehicle filming the entire thing. This is only one of the possible scenarios they use to test the pledges. You can see how that would be a huge problem if it was made public. Solicitation is a crime even if you don’t go through with the actual act. In theory at least. And of course it’s fucking embarrassing too. I don’t judge sex workers, but I would never degrade another human being to something I can buy or sell.”

I consider his words. “So Topher has access to the video?”

He nods. “Yeah. Mine and all the other brothers. As president he has the password to the hard drive locked in the safe of the presidential suite in the Gamma house. But Lake, I promise I didn’t go with a prostitute.”

I sigh. “I believe you. So if Topher made that public, that could hurt your draft prospects. Could that be a problem even if you already had a signed contract with a team?”

Cash sighs. “Sure. Until I turn up to training with a team, anything could derail a done deal. They could simply change their minds, they could decide I’m too much trouble if they were to doubt my good character. Even then, they might decide to send me to their farming team to get some experience. Some players never get on NHL ice despite having a contract. That’s if an injury doesn’t end it all before it even starts. This is why if they sign me up, I’m going as soon as they want me there.”

I lower my gaze. “I hadn’t thought about all that,” I feel selfish now. “You have way more than our relationship on your plate.”