Page 54 of The Trophy

He scoops her up into his arms, walking to the head of the bed and lowering her onto the mattress, after moving the covers for her with one hand. “I’m sure Luca doesn’t mind if we sleep here?”

I shake my head. “Of course not. Let me wash my hand, get something to help Lake clean up some and I’ll be right with you.”

I find them snuggled under the covers when I come back. I smile to myself at the thought that I would have never thought I’d be ok sharing a bed with another man; but with Lakyn between us, this actually feels nice.

I get in behind Lakyn, pulling her closer to my chest, placing a soft kiss on the back of her neck while Blaze is kissing her forehead and the tip of her nose.

“Sogni d’oro, bella (sweet dreams),” I whisper. “I don’t have any early classes tomorrow, what about the two of you? Do I need to set an alarm?”

Luckily, they both have a fairly late start tomorrow.

“I really need a good nights sleep,” Lakyn says. “Last night I barely slept a wink after Jon showed up?—”

“Jon?” Blaze and I say in unison.

“As in your ex?” I ask.

Lakyn tells us about the surprise she found when she got home from LA.

The cheating creep had the nerve to transfer to Star Cove from Princeton, but that isn’t even the worst part of Lakyn’s story.

“He did what?” Blaze gasps, as he sits up, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes.

“He sent me an anonymous dick pic. And I thought it could have been from one of you, since Jon wasn’t really a dick pic kind of guy.”

I almost take offense. “And I am?”

Blaze shared my same sentiment. “You think we are?”

Lakyn shrugs, sitting up too and my eyes follow the way the bedsheets slip down to her waist, baring her perfect tits.

“I didn’t know what to think,” she admits. “I didn’t know you yet and even though I hadn’t seen Cash’s dick on our first date, I had felt it enough that I knew it couldn’t be him.”

I’m a little confused. “Why?”

Lakyn explains that her ex wasn’t very well endowed. “The three of you are way bigger than Jon. But I didn’t know that yet, so I had to find out. Forgive me but I didn’t want to date a creep who would think it was ok to send me an unsolicited dick pic.”

Blaze agrees. “Damn right. So what the fuck does he want?”

I guess the answer before she even says it. “He said he made a mistake ending things, that the long distance was too much for him and so he decided to finish his degree here to be with me.”

A look passes between me and Blaze, but Lakyn catches our drift before we can express our thoughts.

“I have no intention to see him. I don’t even want to be friends with him after the way he treated me. He was my best friend for years before we started dating, I expected him to have at least some respect for me and not cheat before dumping me. It’s over.”

I take one of Lakyn’s small hands in mine. “Are you sure you no longer have feelings for him? If you do?—”

She shakes her blonde head, her eyes shining with honesty. “No, Luca. I’m positive. I thought I was in love with him because I had no idea what that felt like. I had no idea what real attraction felt like. Don’t tell Bay, or her ego will inflate to ridiculous proportions, but she was right about what I needed; about who I needed. You, Blaze and Cash showed me what dating should be like, how I should feel for my boyfriend.”

That makes me feel a little better. “Good. Because if that Jon thinks you’re single, he’s fucking wrong. You’re off the market. You have a boyfriend. Me.” I say.

“And me,” Blaze adds.

Lakyn relaxes against her pillow. “You have nothing to worry about. I told Jon how I feel without any room for misunderstandings.”


I meet Blaze’s eyes and we don’t need any words to agree that maybe we should pay a visit to this ex-boyfriend. Just in case he didn’t get the message when Lakyn told him, we want to make sure he knows that we are the only ones who are allowed to spread rose petals in our girlfriend’s room.