We listen to Lakyn’s words and let me tell you that maybe last year, I would have been surprised by what a piece of work our frat president is.
After the way he’s been acting on the ice however, nothing could surprise me anymore when it comes to Topher Mumford.
“Che pezzo di merda (what a piece of shit),” Luca says. “He was all over Bay tonight. I bet he’s doing it on purpose because he knows that if she finds out what he did, she’s gonna dump his ass faster than you can say dare.”
Lakyn’s next words are just as gloomy as the look on her face. “Yeah, but after talking to Cole, I’m starting to think that he could manage to talk himself out of this one too.”
We can’t believe the next part of Lakyn’s story.
“Fuck,” I run a hand through my hair. “Is he seriously going to try to make it sound like that dare was our idea?”
Lakyn nods. “That’s what he told Cole. And he threatened him with some embarrassing initiation video if he tells Bay the truth about what happened.”
That motherfucker.
“Topher can’t do that,” Luca objects. “It breaks every code of conduct in the Gamma chapter. Those videos are there to ensure undying loyalty, not to serve selfish purposes. I’m sure ‘blackmail’ isn’t mentioned anywhere in the Gamma charter. If we reported him to the central Gamma Delta Tau chapter, he could get expelled.”
I don’t want to burst Luca’s bubble, but I have my doubts. “You haven’t known Topher as long as I have, dude. We need to be very careful with him. Freshman year he was immediately offered to pledge Gamma during rush week because he’s a legacy. Apparently his father and his grandfather were both presidents of their Alma mater chapters back in the day. We don’t know what kinds of connections he has, our complaint might get ignored or even worse, we could end up being kicked out.”
Luca huffs, clearly frustrated. “I couldn’t give two fucks about getting kicked out, I just rushed Gamma to piss my father off.”
I don’t even want to know what kind of shit Luca has done to rebel against the monarchy.
“I joined because it was important to my dad.” I sigh.
Lakyn looks surprised. “Really? I had no idea your dad was a Gamma. Isn’t he in the military?”
I nod. “He’s an army general. He still has many connections with his Gamma brothers, I can find out if we have any chance of making a case against Topher.”
Lakyn takes my hand. “Thanks Blaze, that means a lot to me. Even if I wanted to risk my scholarship, I couldn’t bear to cause trouble to the three of you. Especially if Topher managed to convince Bay that he dared you to test you. I don’t understand how it’s possible that someone as smart as my sister, can’t see what a psychopath she’s dating.”
I put Lakyn out of her misery. “I shared a house with Topher for almost two years, pretty girl. Until very recently, I’d have totally vouched for him. Like every sociopath, he’s highly intelligent and manipulative. He’s really good at showing people the side of him he wants them to see. Bay is actually the easiest person to manipulate for him.”
“Why?” she asks.
“L’amore colora tutto di rosa (love paints everything in pink).” Luca offers. “Bay is in love with him, bella. I’ve observed Topher around her too. Unless he’s drunk or something really bothers him—like when he thought Bay was texting another guy—he keeps his darker side very well hidden when Bay is around.”
Lakyn considers Luca’s words. “Maybe you’re right. Topher has always hit on me when Bay isn’t within earshot.”
Luca and I agree. “Yeah, he never flirts with other women unless Bay isn’t around to see it. He’s very careful not to get caught.”
“Guys,” Lake says, her eyes shining with emotion. “Bay deserves better than Topher. Just the idea of all the lies and the way he plays the doting boyfriend, makes me feel sick. Thank you so much for being on my side. Without your help, I don’t know if I’d have a chance to defeat Topher at his own game.”
I grab her hand, bringing her knuckles to my lips. “Of course, Lake. I’m here for you, no matter what.”
Luca nods in agreement. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, bella.”
Mischief dances in Lakyn’s eyes and she smiles for the first time tonight. “Really?”
Luca puffs up his chest, as he takes one step closer, grabbing her hand and pulling her to him. “Really. I don’t know how you did it, Lake. But I can’t stop thinking about you every waking moment, I can’t stop wanting you. To the point that I’m even ready to do something crazy.”
Her fingers trace Luca’s jaw with a tenderness that should make me jealous. I’m surprised when I realize that it doesn’t, as I watch their exchange with bated breath.
“What do you mean? Are you talking about the dare?”
Luca shakes his head. “No, bella. I’m talking about the fact that I’m considering giving this four persons relationship a real try.”
“Please don’t play with me,” Lakyn gasps. “If you’re joking, I don’t think I could take it.”