Page 40 of The Trophy

“Bianca,” I interrupt her, grinding my teeth. “You aren’t hearing what I’m saying. I’m going to be clear, I’m sorry if it hurts your feelings, but I’m not interested. I don’t want to date you, I don’t want to hang out. Not now, not when the hockey season is over. I just don’t like you that way.”

If someone said that to me, I would walk away faster than when I have the puck on a breakaway.

Bianca flinches but doesn’t relent at my blunt words. “You don’t like me that way? That’s bullshit. You liked me plenty enough to fuck me a few weeks ago. You didn’t have any problems getting hard when we got naked, so that means you do like me. If you’d rather have Kylie join us again, I have no problem with that.”

Porca puttana (fucking hell).

I clench my fists to resist the urge to grab her and shake some sense into her. “I. Don’t. Want. To. See. You. Again.” I enunciate every word so that there’s no way she could spin them into what she wants to hear. “I told you and Kylie that night that it was a one time thing and you said it was ok. I’m sorry if this is harsh, but I don’t do repeat performances. I know you like hockey players. The good news is that there’s a few single guys on the team. Find someone who is interested, just not me. It doesn’t matter how many times you ask me, I don’t want to go out with you, I don’t want to hang out and I’m not interested in fucking you.”

Hurt flickers in her brown eyes.

I hate being this tough, but she needs to get the message once and for all. I tried letting her down gently but nothing worked.

“You’re a liar, Luca.” She bites out. “It isn’t true that you’re too busy during the hockey season. I saw you skating in front of Bay’s sister when you scored earlier. I saw your driver picking her up yesterday morning at the hotel in LA.”

Her accusing tone doesn’t affect me the way she thinks it should.

“I never said that the reason I wasn’t interested in you was because I’m too busy with hockey. You said that, Bianca. But yeah, I’m glad you noticed I like Lakyn. She’s the one I’m dating. So please, move on.” I hope I’m dating her. I guess it’s a good sign that she came to the game.

Her eyes narrow in a furious glare, her lips twisted in a snarl. “I don’t understand what you see in that girl. I get it if you liked Bay, she’s hot. But her sister is so plain and boring.”

My patience is hanging by a thread. I’ve been nice so far, but I’m not going to allow her to talk about Lakyn that way. “Watch your mouth, Bianca.”

I swear to God, this girl doesn’t know when it’s time to cut your losses and walk away.

“I hope you didn’t fall for her little Virgin Mary act. She isn’t that different from me, or do you think I didn’t see you guys on the beach at the Country Club? I was hoping you’d get bored with her so I stayed behind. She gave it up to you on a date her sister bought for her, how pathetic is that?”

I raise my voice. “Bianca, that’s enough. Say another word about Lakyn and I promise I’m going to kick you out of here and make sure you aren’t welcome back.”

“I’d like to see you try,” she laughs. “I’m very good friends with a few of your teammates who appreciate someone fun and with connections on campus.”

I shrug. “Awesome. Then go hang out with them and leave me alone. I trust you know this house better than me.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she snaps. “I wouldn’t be so quick calling me a puck bunny. Or do you think Miss Mousy Librarian spread her legs just for you? I’m sure she did the same with Cash and Blaze.”

“Whatever. Just stay away from me, Bianca.”

Done with this conversation, I turn on my heels and find myself face to face with Lakyn.

I wonder if she’s heard any part of my conversation with Bianca.

“Bella,” I take her hand, spotting Cole right behind her. “I’m so glad to see you.”

Her eyes go from me to Bianca, still behind me. “Yeah, I wanted to talk to you, but if you’re busy, I can come back later.”

I shake my head, turning to look at Bianca. “No, Bianca and I are done talking. She was about to leave.”

The Dean’s daughter offers Lakyn a sugary smile. “Yeah, I was about to go look for Bay, to thank her for making chili. You’re so lucky to be her sister. Once I become a fully fledged Zeta, you and I will have a sister in common, isn’t that cool?”

Lakyn looks as excited as I feel at that idea. “I can’t wait.”

Bianca’s false smile turns genuine when she spots Cole. “Oh hey, Cole. I was just thinking about you. The Zetas are coming over after dinner and Tami is bringing the latest Just Dance. The pledges have to battle it out but it’s a couple’s battle. Wanna be my partner?”

Cole inhales the same way I just did a few moments ago. There’s a flicker of understanding when our eyes meet over the girls’ heads.

“Sure, why not? But I warn you, Tucker and Jagger are much better dancers.”

Bianca links her arms with Cole’s and I’m gonna make sure to thank him later for taking one for the team.