Blaze’s voice is reassuring. “I’m not sure what happened, but I think Cash has some problems at home. He asked permission to get a job to help his family. Maybe he had to go home.”
I know Blaze is right. “Yeah, he mentioned something to me before LA. He was very vague though.”
I hate the fact that I need to be reassured but I guess the way my ex broke up with me, left me with some baggage. There’s a part of me that thinks that Cash isn’t telling me everything and the way he held back in LA when we were all together in my room doesn’t help my anxiety.
I keep telling myself that Cash was just cautious and that he didn’t want to fuck me because we didn’t have any condoms; but there’s a part of me—the insecure one, the one that has been rejected and dumped by her boyfriend after being lied to—that wonders if there’s anything else behind his hesitation and his frequent bailing on plans.
“Have you told Cash how you feel?”
I shake my head. “No. We never really had the chance, he always seems so busy. Which I guess makes sense with a job and the team. It’s just—I was afraid to say something especially since I was having trouble to choose between you guys.”
Blaze considers my words. “I get it. Give him time, but eventually I’d talk to him. I’ve played hockey with Cash for two years and he’s a solid guy. If he isn’t into this, he’ll tell you the truth.”
“That’s exactly what I’m afraid of,” I sigh. “But I guess it’s better to know where we stand. I just wish Cash and Luca felt like you about me choosing.”
His next words surprise me. “Luca might not be impossible to bring around to the idea.”
I hate the way hope tries to take roots in my heart. “Really?”
He secures the helmet under my chin. “Really. When I hinted at the idea of not asking you to choose, he didn’t immediately hate it.”
I let him link our fingers together. “What’s up? You look sad.”
I can’t lie to him. “Not hating the idea isn’t the same as being on board with it.”
Blaze’s soft chuckle has the power to make me feel better. “It’s a start. When I told him we could all date you, we had no idea you’d even want something like that, Lake. Let’s talk about it at the party after you tell us this other thing you wanted to discuss with us and you promised it isn’t a break up.”
“It’s not a break up.” I promise.
“Ok then,” he winks, straddling his bike with a graceful move. “Hop on. Let’s go get you some food and then go celebrate tonight’s victory.”
I can’t help but think that while Topher continues to date my sister, every victory will feel hollow at best.
Like Bay promised, the Gamma house isn’t as crowded as it was the last time I was here for a post-game party.
The lights are on when Blaze and I enter from the front door and just a few people occupy the living room.
Blaze doesn’t even spare a second glance at the couple that are practically dry humping on one of the two leather sectionals, but he nods in the direction of the group who are engaged in a videogame marathon.
I recognize some of the guys from the game and the last party; a few of the girls who cheer them on and bring them a constant stream of beer look familiar too.
I think one of them is called Kylie, Bay pointed her out to me once. She’s one of the puck bunnies, who according to my sister has slept with almost everyone on the team.
I hate the term “puck bunny,” I think it’s really derogatory, even though apparently some of the girls wear it as a badge of honor and are the first to use it.
I hate that I can’t help but wonder if she has slept with one of my guys.
If memory serves, she was with Bianca when they tried to crash my dinner date with Luca at the Country Club.
Does it even matter though? I need to shake this off, what or who the guys did before me is irrelevant.
I get a welcome reprieve from my jealous thoughts when Blaze pulls me away from the living room.