Page 138 of The Trophy


The words die in my mouth when Coach Harrison comes into the locker room.

If this season has taught me anything, is that our coach never comes into the locker room to deliver good news.

We all look at his stern expression, wondering what fresh horrors he has in store for us today or what we’ve done wrong during practice.

“Y’all know I don’t like to waste my time with useless speeches, so I’ll be straight and to the point. As you might have heard, Ryker Moore didn’t come to California with the Hemlocks and that means he isn’t playing against us tonight.”

There’s several murmurs of agreement.

“Do you think he didn’t want to play against his future team, or is there something else going on?” Cole asks.

Coach nods. “Very perceptive, Marshall. I have no idea what Ryker’s reasons are for not playing tonight. Especially since his team wouldn’t be here without him. However—and this is one of the two things I came here to say—don’t take his absence as a guarantee that tonight’s game will be an easy victory. Moore might be their star player, but there are six players on the ice on each side and you don’t get to the championship final if you have one champion and five crappy players. So keep your heads in the game and show the nation who’s the stronger team.”

“YES, COACH!” we all holler.

“The other thing I’m here to tell you is that after much consideration and after discussing it with the rest of the coaching team, I have selected a new team captain.”

Coach’s eyes land on me and I do my best to keep my expression neutral. I know I was necessary collateral after Topher’s bogus accusations that we were behind the dare.

I understand why Coach had to look like he was being as tough with us as he was being with Topher; if my captain title was the price for getting the Gamma president suspended however, I’m more than happy to pay it.

“The new captain of the Cove Knights is Cole Marshall.” Coach announces.

“Coach, excuse me—” Cole doesn’t look happy, but he hesitates to continue as Coach shakes his head.

“I know you took yourself out of the running earlier in the season, son. But this isn’t up for debate. I know that no matter what happens in the draft in June, you intend to come back to finish your senior year. I’ve observed all of you this year and you are the person who possesses the leadership qualities I want in my team captain. So congratulations, Cole. I know I chose the right man for this job. Let’s start by leading your team to victory tonight. What do you say, gentlemen?”

I suppress a smile when Coach doesn’t call us ladies, but I think he got this right.

The team respects Cole. He’s the strongest D-man in the league and he cares about his teammates and brothers.

I give a good example, by clasping Cole’s shoulder and congratulating him in front of everyone. “Well done, Cole. You deserve this. What do you say, guys?” I ask, turning to look at the rest of the team.

Cash and Blaze nod after meeting my gaze.


Coach leaves the locker room as we all chant and cheer for our new team captain.

The morale is excellent when the last few guys leave the arena.

Blaze, Cash and I are the last three players here.

“Ready for tonight?” I ask, looking at my best friends.

“Do you have everything ready?” Cash asks.

I confirm that I do. “What about the stuff you were going to take care of?”

Blaze smiles. “All sorted.”

“Ok then,” I grab my car keys and slam my locker shut. “It’s go time.”


Some days are just surreal.