Page 137 of The Trophy

It’s crazy, so intense and consuming, feeling Cash’s cum flowing inside me, tasting Blaze’s slightly salty release on my tongue and Luca’s release dripping behind me, warm and sleek.

The pleasure lasts for a long time, until I’m so spent and sated that I’m thankful for Luca’s strong arms and his solid chest behind me.

I close my eyes, suddenly exhausted by one of the best and worst days of my life.

“Do you think you’d like to take a warm bath?” Luca whispers in my ear. “The bathroom has a bathtub that sits four people.”

“As long as you carry me in it,” I yawn.

And just like that, I’m lowered into the warm, divinely scented water.

Blaze, kisses me softly holding me in his arms while his teammates and best friends work together.

Luca washes my hair with gentle hands, while Cash runs a soapy washcloth between my legs.

“Well fuck,” Cash chuckles. “Coach wanted a dry twenty-four hours pre-game, at least we made good on the non-drinking part.”

I must be more tired than I thought because I don’t understand. “What do you mean? Did he mean no showering or taking baths?”

“No bella,” Luca explains. “He also meant no sex. I guess that ship has sailed.”

Blaze’s laugh causes my entire body to shake. “Ha. It’s the first time I've ever broken the ‘no sex before a game’ rule; which means we have to win tomorrow night at all costs.”

They seriously must have obliterated a few of my brain cells with all those orgasms, because I don’t get it. “What does winning have to do with sex before a game? It’s not like Coach will know unless you tell him.”

I guess I should have known the reason, I’ve been around these three long enough now.

“What he means is, that if we lose, having sex before a game might become bad juju. But if we win…”

A collective chuckle comes from my boyfriends. “If we win, that means you have to take all three of us the night before every home game.”

Oh, boy.




Have you ever had a perfect day?

A day where everything you touch seems to turn into gold?

For me, for us, this is today and after yesterday’s potential shit storm, we needed a few wins.

First off, we don’t see Topher at morning skate. In theory, he should still train with the team despite being suspended, but I’m pretty confident I’m not the only one who doesn’t miss him.

It’s unbelievable the difference one person can make. I’m sure Topher’s absence has a lot to do with the fact that in the locker room no one mentions yesterday’s disgusting post or our relationship with Lakyn.

The entire team is focused on our drills, like it should be before the most important game of our careers so far.

Things only improve when I find a text message from my agent that reassures me about my meeting with the Bridgeport Warriors next week. The meeting is still on and the GM guaranteed my agent that they don’t care who I date and how many people are in the relationship, as long as I continue to perform the way I have on the ice.

Judging by the smile on Cash’s face, I can bet he got similar news.

“The Warriors still want me,” Blaze says, slapping my back with an ear splitting grin on his sweaty face.

“Ditto,” I smile back. “All we have to do to make sure we get that contract locked in is to win tonight.”