Page 120 of The Trophy

Two armed men immediately flank me, Cash and Blaze, escorting us out of the conference room.

I don’t even have to look to know that more bodyguards are taking care of removing my parents and Heloise.

The last thing I see before I’m ushered out of the conference room and into one of the elevators in the lobby is that two more guards have been assigned to Lakyn. My eyes meet hers briefly as she and Bay are taken to a different exit.

The short elevator ride is filled with tense silence and I realize that we aren’t headed to the penthouse suite where we had lunch.

Security must have implemented the “panic protocol,” and we’re being taken to other rooms in the hotel that have been destined to the very purpose of keeping the royal family safe in case of danger.

Usually in dangerous circumstances, each of us is taken to a different room; it’s especially true for me and the King, in order to preserve the line of succession if our lives were at risk.

I’ve always found it a little ridiculous, since we aren’t heads of state—or at least we haven’t been for a long time. However my father has more money than sense sometimes and his security guards rival the secret service agents that protect the US president.

This is why I am actually surprised when we aren’t led to an empty room but I find King Gilberto waiting for us.

What doesn’t surprise me is the thunderous look on my father’s face when our eyes meet.

“Papà, I?—”

He cuts me off. “I know, Luca. Please spare me the platitudes you were about to say. Mom, Heloise and I are leaving immediately. I need to do damage control with the parliament sooner rather than later. Hopefully I can convince them not to let this latest scandal color their perception of the royal family.”

I hang my head. “I understand. I’m sorry.”

Papà claps me on a shoulder. “I know. I’m sorry too.”

I blink, confused. I expected a harsh rebuke. “I thought you’d be mad at me.”

He sighs, looking older than his years but it’s just a fleeting moment. “Oh credimi (believe me), I’m furious. Maybe in the past I would have blamed you for what happened downstairs, but not this time. We were on the same page about keeping your relationship as private as possible, so I know you aren’t behind that post. I also know that you haven’t been reckless and have kept as low a profile as possible.”

I’m relieved that he isn’t blaming me for all of this, but I can’t help the question on the tip of my tongue. “How do you know? After what happened at Yale, I thought you’d disown me if I caused another scandal.”

My father’s lips quirk in an amused smile. “How do you think I know? Luigi has been giving me regular updates on your affairs.”

I should have known that. That’s why Papà insisted on sending Luigi with me.

“If you aren’t mad at me—” I begin.

“It’s obvious that someone betrayed you, Luca. I’ll conduct my own investigation, but I need your help. Someone either did this directly or sold you out. I hope it isn’t someone too close to you,” he says, looking at Blaze and Cash. “Regardless, I wouldn’t want to be the person who did this because when I find them—and I will—they’ll discover what happens when you violate the conditions of one of my NDAs. Put all your ducks in a row and get rid of whoever violated your trust. Let me know if you find out anything and good luck on tomorrow’s final. Signori…” he nods in Cash and Blaze’s direction. “Arrivederci.”

There’s a beat of silence after the King leaves.

“Can you please give us a moment?” I ask the two security guards who didn’t follow my father out of the room.

“Si, Vostra Altezza. Possiamo restare di guardia fuori dalla porta (Yes, Your Highness. We can guard the door)—”

I shake my head. “No, thank you. As you can see, my life isn’t in at risk here. The only danger is if some journalists had managed to stay inside the hotel. In that case, seeing armed guards outside would give away my location. So please, take a lunch break or go guard a random door on a different floor as a decoy. You’re dismissed.”

The guard mustn’t be more than a few years older than me. “Ciò è altamente irregolare, Principe Luca. Gli ordini del re sono stati chiari (This is extremely irregular, Prince Luca. The King’s orders were clear)—”

“Now the King has gone and I’m giving you new orders. Thank you, but you’re dismissed. You’ll be called if I need you.”

I keep my shit together until they leave. “Cazzo (fuck).” I exhale, my head in my hands. “This isn’t good.”

A look passes between Cash and Blaze.

“Luca,” the latter says. “I hope you don’t think Cash or I are behind this.”

I’d be lying if I said that the thought didn’t cross my mind. “I don’t want to think either of you would do this. But you must admit that you both have a motive. If a scandal broke us up, if Bridgeport didn’t sign us, you could try to have Lake for yourselves.”