Page 116 of The Trophy

I don’t know what to say. I mean, she’s absolutely right that I’m lucky and I know that Luca planned to tell his family the truth about our relationship, but I didn’t expect Heloise to know.

“Heloise!” King Gilberto scolds her. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop eavesdropping on my conversations with your mother? First off, chiedi scusa (apologize) to Lakyn for putting her on the spot like this with your crass comments. Second of all, never talk about you sleeping with three men. I don’t expect you to save yourself for marriage but in my eyes, you’re always going to be my little girl. Give your old father at least the illusion that I’m still the only man in your life. Santo Cielo (For Heaven’s sakes).”

Just when I thought things couldn’t get more embarrassing, Isabelle intervenes.

“Oh come on, Gilberto,” Luca’s Mom says. “Don’t be a hypocrite and act like when we first started dating, you and I didn’t dabble in the odd threesome or foursome. As long as it works for them and they’re happy, who are we to judge them?”

The King squirms in his chair, visibly uncomfortable. “I’m not judging anyone, Izzy. I’m just saying that as a father, just the thought of someone doing the things I do in bed to my own daughter?—”

A groan comes from both Luca and Heloise. “Papà,” Luca pleads. “It’s safe to say that Heloise and I could both do without that picture in our minds, grazie tante (thank you very much).”

Heloise agrees. “Yeah, seriously. Eww.”

It’s Isabelle that intervenes again with a giggle. “Oh come on, we’re all adults here. Well, almost. Heloise will be eighteen in a couple of weeks. Come on, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I always knew that my kids would take their sense of adventure from me. I’m glad to hear that it extends even to the boudoir. Life is too short to have sex always in the same position and with the lights off. Right, Gilly, darling?”

“Right,” the King sighs, resigned with the direction our conversation is taking. “I’m not going to lie, Luca. Ideally, you’d marry Lakyn and the two of you would walk into the sunset and live happily ever after. Possibly in Montebello, as reigning king and queen. I’m not going to say that your non traditional choice is ideal, but like your mother very eloquently said, I might have many flaws but I’m not a hypocrite. I don’t blame the three of you, young men. If I was thirty years younger, I’d fight you all for Lakyn’s attention. However, I’m not going to say that this choice doesn’t represent a challenge for the crown at present. As you know, after over eight decades from the fateful referendum that deposed my Bisnonno (great grandfather ) from the throne and saw our family exiled, the parliament of Montebello has agreed to reevaluate that decision and let our people decide again whether they want to continue being a republic or the monarchy can still have a place—even if just honorary—in the future of our country.”

Luca nods. “I know all that, Dad. I?—”

“You know how much that throne has always meant to me and to my father, your Nonno. The parliament has finally set a date to vote on allowing that historic referendum to happen. Montebello is a modern country, but you know better than me that a wing of the parliament is still very traditional. Your mother and I don’t disapprove of your choices, as long as you’re happy and healthy, even when they aren’t the choices we would personally make, career or otherwise.”

King Gilberto is obviously talking about Luca’s choice to be a professional athlete, rather than having an active role in politics. “At this momentous time, anything that could alienate the support of that conservative wing, could make that chance to return on the throne slip through our fingers. All that I ask is to please be discreet until the referendum is granted. Possibly until after the vote. After that, I don’t care if you want to be public with your relationship.”

Luca nods. “I know, Papà. Lakyn, the guys and I understand how important that is to you. The three of us have meetings with the Bridgeport Warriors next week, after the final of the Frozen Four. We have no idea if our unconventional relationship could be a dealbreaker for the team, so it’s in our best interest to keep things discreet until those contracts are signed and we have reported to summer training.”

The King exhales a breath of relief. “I’m glad we’re on the same page, figlio mio (my son). I know I don’t say this often, but it doesn’t matter that you chose to go in a different direction than what I was hoping for you. I’m proud of you, Luca. And no relationship status will ever change that. Whether you or your sister were straight, bi, gay or whatever other sexual orientation, whether you love one or more than one person at once, as long as you uphold the values of honesty your Mom and I worked hard to instill in you, we’ll have your back and we’ll be your biggest supporters.”

I smile at King Gilberto. I guess Luca was right that despite being as wealthy as Croesus and wearing a crown, his father is like any other parent. What he just said echoes what Mom told me at Christmas—minus the admission of dabbling in multiple partner encounters, that is—when I broke to her the news that I’m in love… with three wonderful men. She promised to talk to Dad and prepare him for my next visit when I plan to bring my boyfriends to meet them.

We eat the delicious food and the conversation flows as if we’d known Luca’s family forever. They might be royals, but they’re surprisingly down to earth and relatable.

“Bene miei cari (very well my dears),” King Gilberto says, extracting a bottle of champagne from an ice bucket that’s still on the cart our food came from. “The Dean, the press and some of your friends are waiting downstairs in the hotel conference room. I would have preferred to keep our visit a little more low-key, but the college administrators are keen to advertise the fact that another royal is interested in attending.”

Luca rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I know. The Dean told me that after I transferred, applications went up by twenty percent.”

The King nods. “Yeah, that’s what he told me too. So I’m afraid we’ll have to suffer through a couple of speeches. After that, we’ll make our way to campus for the tour and you guys can stay here and party if you want, otherwise, I’ll see you tomorrow at the arena.”

“At the arena?” Luca looks surprised.

“Certamente (of course), I have a seat right next to the Dean. Or do you think I’d miss the Frozen Four finals?”

“I don’t know,” there’s a flicker of hurt in Luca’s eyes. “Last year I played and won that same final with Yale and you didn’t come even though I invited you.”

King Gilberto sighs. “I know and I can only apologize for missing it. I’d be lying to you if I said that back then I wasn’t against you playing hockey. I thought it was something you did to defy me and my expectations and to get laid.”

Luca reacts with the same grin I saw earlier on his father. “I don’t need hockey to get laid, Papà.”

The King laughs, hilarity making him look younger. “Touché. But what I was trying to say is, that I was worried about you and the trail of scandals that seemed to follow you everywhere. I didn’t think you’d be able to turn things around but I’m happy to say I was wrong.”

It isn’t easy to admit to being wrong, and that makes me like Luca’s father even more.

“Your mother was right when she told me that you deserved a chance to prove that you were growing up.”

Isabelle smiles. “You should always listen to me, Gilly. I told you Luca would benefit from a change of scenery.”

Luca clears his throat. “Yeah, things have been better here. It’s still hard work to keep the paparazzi under control, but I have to thank the school and my teammates for helping me keep things as normal as possible.”

Isabelle squeezes her son’s hand. “There’s also another thing that changed your life for the better. You chose the right woman for you; someone who doesn’t want you for your status or your title, who isn’t trying to become famous by association. I feel that’s what made the difference for you this year.”