“Fuck off,” Topher glares. “If you think this suspension will stick, you’re not only from the wrong side of the tracks, you’re also stupid. I’ll be back on the starting line before you know it. And none of you will breathe one word of this to Bay.”
I can’t help but laugh at his arrogance. “From where I’m standing, Cash isn’t the stupid one, Mumford. After all the trouble you’ve caused with Lakyn first and now with Coach, after costing Luca the captain spot, why would we keep quiet? Bay deserves to know what kind of asshole she’s dating before it’s too late.”
Topher’s smile widens. “You know who else went to college with my dad, played NCAA hockey with him and comes to celebrate the Fourth of July at our house in Marta’s Vineyard? Luca’s agent. Imagine my surprise when my old man told me that Chip is negotiating a contract with the Bridgeport Warriors? Chip was surprised that the Warriors are also looking to sign two more of my teammates. I mean, it’ll be embarrassing having to explain how Luca is no longer team captain; but who knows what would happen if the Warriors General Manager heard about your proclivities for fucking the same woman? Bridgeport is a casino town, but it’s no Sin City. Do you know for sure if they include a morality clause in their contracts? And even if they don’t, would they want to deal with the attention your unusual relationship will get when the press inevitably learns about it? Or the potential drama that could arise from three players sharing the same woman? I guess we’ll have to find out.”
Luca is on Topher before he even finishes uttering his threat. “Che cazzo hai contro di noi? Cosa ti abbiamo fatto per meritare tutta questa merda? (What the fuck do you have against us? What have we done to deserve all this shit?)”
He pushes Topher against one row of lockers, pressing his elbow over the Gamma president’s neck.
Cash and I rush to grab him, getting him off Topher.
“Calm down, Luca,” I attempt to soothe him.
Ironic, I know. Usually I’m the one who picks fights and has to be reined in.
“Blaze is right,” Cash backs me up. “If Coach is still in the building and hears this, Topher might not be the only one suspended from the team. We’re so close to getting everything we want. This piece of shit isn’t worth losing it all.”
Topher moves away from the locker, grabbing his bag and heading to the door. “I think I’ll shower at home after all. If I were you Prince, I’d listen to your brother boyfriends, or whatever it is they are to you. Keep your mouth shut about the dare, and I’ll forget what I heard from your agent. Later, losers.”
We relax once Topher is out of the room, but only marginally.
“That guy is like the Hydra,” Cash says, running a hand through his hair. “No matter how many times you chop his head off, another one grows in its place.”
Luca agrees. “There’s only one thing that makes me feel better about all this.”
I can’t stifle my curiosity. “What’s that?”
“Have you ever seen Ryker Moore play? No? He’s a beast. Fast, powerful, virtually no weaknesses in any aspect of his game. We only won the Frozen Four last year because the rest of his team was far from his caliber and even Ryker can’t win a championship game singlehanded. With him on the team, even if he was on his best behavior, there’s no way in hell Topher will win back his starting spot.”
“Good,” I bite out. “That motherfucker always finds a way out of the trouble he constantly causes. I can’t wait for the day karma bites him in the ass once and for all.”
One Month later
“Do I curtsy to your sister?” I ask, squirming in the back seat of Luca’s SUV.
He takes my hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. “Relax, bella. Heloise won’t even notice, she’s a seventeen-year-old girl about to graduate high school. She doesn’t care about all that formal etiquette.”
Yeah, it’s easier said than done, when he isn’t the one meeting his boyfriend’s family, who happens to be part of one of the most ancient royal families in the world.
I don’t want to look as out of place as I feel. “I’m definitely going to curtsy to the King,” I say, squeezing Luca’s hand so tightly that he yelps in pain.
“You’ll be just fine, Lake,” he reassures me, massaging his hand to get blood flowing back to it. “My family will love you just as much as I do. Tell her, Luigi.”
Luca’s driver smiles, meeting my gaze in the rear view mirror. “Prince Luca is right, signorina. Just be your lovely, delightful self and all will be well.”
“I just don’t want to embarrass you,” I groan, looking at my gorgeous boyfriend.
“Lake,” he reassures me. “Just treat them like you would anyone else. Believe me, they’ll appreciate it just as much as I did. It was one of the things that made me immediately like you.”
“Really?” I ask, lacing my fingers through his, this time making sure I don’t cut off his circulation.
“Davvero (really). Even though I must admit, how hot you looked helped a great deal.”