Page 105 of The Trophy

“What do you say we get out of here, bella?” I ask, wondering if any of the restaurants in town will be operating without power. Maybe I should take her to the Gamma house that’s practically deserted with everyone gone for the break. I’m sure I can rustle something up in the kitchen, since we have a gas stove.

And then I can carry Lake to my room and tell her how I feel before I give her a goodbye she’ll remember until we’re back from winter break.

“Ok, Bobbie says I can go. She’s staying in town for the break, so she’s going to come and check on everything tomorrow morning.” Lake says, coming out from behind the front desk.

“Hello,” she whispers, stepping so close that our chests are touching. “I’m ready to go.”

Her soft, warm lips touch mine and before I know it, we’re both lost in a deep, consuming kiss.

My hands close around her waist, as I drag her as close as possible. A part of me is tempted to drag her somewhere a little more private, where we’ll be out of sight in case someone should stop next to my car, which is in full view of the main entrance.

But why should I do that for the sake of a quickie, when I can soon have her in my bed, totally naked?

I force myself to break the kiss, keeping my hands on the small of her back. “Ok, let’s go before I break every rule this library has ever had,” I say, looking into her eyes.

“That’s exactly what I was thinking,” she agrees.

Another flash of light illuminates the library as if it was daylight and after the expected thunder, the deafening noise of torrential rain is all we can hear.

“Cazzo (fuck), that’s one of the most violent downpours I’ve seen in a while. I didn’t think it could rain like this in California.”

“Star Cove gets the odd storm here and there,” Lakyn explains. “Even in the summer. I got a weather alert text on my phone earlier, I totally forgot though after I bumped into Jon.”

I stiffen at the mention of her cheating ex. “Your ex? Was he following you?”

Another flash of lightning illuminates Lakyn’s amused expression. “No, he wasn’t. And he made a huge point of letting me know our encounter was completely casual. Apparently two very intimidating hockey players threatened serious bodily harm if he didn’t leave me alone. Do you know who might have done something like that?”


“Hmm, I—” I don’t apologize, because I’m not sorry. “We just wanted to make sure he didn’t keep bothering you, bella.”

She cups my face with gentle fingers. “Well you definitely drove the point home. He was positively terrified. Look, I don’t want you to get in trouble on my account; but I know you and Blaze were just trying to protect me. Thank you.”

I set the record straight. “I’ll always protect you, Lake. But not because I think you need it. It’s because I—because you’re important to me.” I bite my tongue just in time.

I’m planning to tell her that I love her tonight, but I don’t want to do it here, in the library.

I want it to be romantic and to be able to show her in no uncertain terms how much I care.

“I know,” she says softly. “I’m not mad. If anything, Jon’s face was so funny. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this scared; not even when we watched The Shining one night when my parents weren’t home after our baby sitter had fallen asleep.”

I can’t stifle a laugh. “That’s a scary movie. How old were you?”

“I wanna say eleven? It was Bay’s idea, she was so mad that Mom and Dad called Mrs. Ramsey from down the street; she had been trying to convince them that those seven minutes she has on me, qualified her as the older, responsible sibling.”

There’s love in her eyes when she says that. “That’s typical Bay, if you ask me. Was she scared?” I ask.

“Shitless,” she giggles. “Serves her right. Seven minutes is nothing.”

I can’t disagree with her. “You’re right. I’m almost three years older than Heloise and there’s no way my parents would have ever left me in charge at any point in our lives. We had a royal nanny when we were home from boarding school until I left Montebello to come to the US for my senior year of high school as an exchange student.”

She considers my words. “I think your parents are stricter than mine then. We were allowed to be home alone from about thirteen, I think.”

I shrug. “I guess my father knew exactly how much trouble we could get in with a castle and acres of land at our disposal.”

Lakyn looks into my eyes. “I like how fond of your kingdom you are. The way you love your country and your people, shines through your eyes every time you mention it.”

I have to bite my tongue for the second time tonight. “I can’t wait to show you all of it. Are you sure you can’t join me for the holidays?”