Page 100 of The Trophy

I sit on the wooden bench, patting the spot next to me and that’s when Lakyn notices the pair of light blue skates I brought for her.

“Whose skates are those?” she asks, looking left and right, as if she expected someone else to join us.

“They’re for you, pretty girl,” I smile.

“For me? But I—I don’t know how to ice skate. I don’t even know how to skate on any other surface, to be honest.”

“Really? Bay didn’t tell me when I asked her if she had a pair of skates I could borrow.”

She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, because Bay has this annoying habit of trying to help me push my boundaries and trying new things. She ice skated for years, she was quite talented too apparently but she never went further than taking lessons. Dance and cheer were her main interest, but she still enjoys skating for fun. She’s the one who got the athletic gene, Blaze. I suck at every sport.”

I sit next to her on the bench. “If you don’t want to try, I’m not gonna push you, pretty girl. But I’m going to hold your hand and show you how to skate, if you want.”

Indecision dances on her gorgeous face. While I would never push her into something she doesn’t want to try, I’d love it if she took this leap of faith with me, if she would trust me.

“Ok,” she says softly. “But if you let go of my hands, I swear to God.”

“You’re cute when you try to be scary,” I chuckle. “I promise I’m gonna be glued to you like athletic tape.”

Her soft lips curl into a smile. “Good. I like it when you’re close to me. Now, give me those skates. I’m gonna thank Bay later for this.”

Oh, boy. I wouldn’t want to be in Bay’s skates, quite literally.

I quickly lace up my Bauers. Lake is still fighting with hers.

“Let me, pretty girl,” I say, kneeling in front of her on the locker room floor.

I admire my girl’s shapely calves in skintight leggings as I tie the laces of her skates. “You’re a fucking vision in ice skates,” I say, unable to resist the temptation to run my hands all the way up to her hips.

Lakyn is petite, only about five foot three, so with me kneeling in front of her, we’re at eye level.

“Thank you,” she murmurs, her blue eyes moving down to stop on my lips. “You aren’t bad yourself.”

My mouth finds hers as if we were two magnets, inevitably attracted to one another.

Her lips part when I apply more pressure and the warmth of her kiss travels down my body like an electric current. Lake is the only woman who can make me hard with just one kiss and I can’t help the desire that surges through me like a tidal wave.

“Fuck,” I murmur, nipping at her plump bottom lip. “Why are you always so sexy?”

One of her hands sneaks inside my leather jacket, traveling down my chest, playing with the muscles of my stomach.

I break the kiss but it’s just to bury my face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. I drag my mouth from the spot behind her ear to the base of her neck, moving her coat and sweater to expose as much skin as I can.

Her soft moan tells me that she’s as turned on as I am and I rise to my feet, picking her up, by the backs of her thighs.

We kiss again, her legs wrapped around my waist. I walk a few steps, pinning Lake against the closed door of my locker. This would be awkward for someone less comfortable on ice skates but my balance is pretty great, even with the guards on.

I devour her, cursing my stupid idea of bringing her here rather than somewhere more private, where I could get rid of the unwanted barrier of our clothes.

No, dumb ass. You brought her here to have a romantic moment, not to jump her bones. I tell myself, prying my mouth away from hers.

“Let’s go, or we’ll never make it on the ice,” I chuckle in the attempt to ignore the way my cock is practically screaming at me, straining against the fabric of my joggers.

“But I like it here,” she protests, sucking on my bottom lip.

“Are you trying to seduce your way out of ice skating, Miss Woods?” I ask, fighting to suppress the smile that threatens to erupt from me.

“Maybe.” She bats her eyelashes in an exaggerated way, her own smile betraying her. “Is it working?”