A look passes between Kelley and his mother and they both rush to reassure and comfort a distressed Nora.
Once the child has calmed down, and left to get ready for dinner Rosalie pleads with her son one last time. “Trust me that I’m trying to do what’s best for Nora and for myself, Kels. And I do still love him. I’ve never stopped loving him.”
Kelley’s eyes darken, his jaw is ticking. “That’s why he keeps pulling all kinds of bullshit on you, Mom. He knows that he has you exactly where he wants you.”
“This time, he’s trying to make things right. I wish you’d come to dinner with us and see it for yourself. You could bring Ausra with you.”
Kelley shakes his head. “Pass. If he’d left his wife, I might’ve given him the benefit of the doubt but as it is, Mom, this is his usual bullshit. And for as much as I could tell you that I won’t be here to pick up the pieces when this goes down in flames again, you know I’ll come running for Nora’s sake. And I apologize that I discussed this shit with you in front of her. She’s way too mature for her eight years but she shouldn’t be having to worry about being taken away from the only family she loves.”
Rosalie won’t relent and I might not have known Kelley for a long time but I can see where he gets his tenacity from. “If you change your mind, he’s taking us to that new seafood restaurant, the one with all the Michelin stars. The Anchor.”
Kelley sighs. “Mom, even if I wanted to come—and I don’t—the guys are throwing me a party at Ashton’s. His parents are away for the weekend and you know they have that huge pool. Just next time, when you try to surprise me, leave me the fuck out of anything where that man is involved, ok?” His eyes soften as he looks at his mother and envelops her in his arms. “Just promise me that you’ll be careful. I’ll talk to Ashton’s dad about getting in touch with his family lawyer. Just in case anything goes wrong, ok?”
Rosalie stretches on the tips of her toes to place a kiss on Kelley’s forehead. “Ok. But I have a good feeling about this one. You’ll see. Happy birthday, sweetie. Nora and I are off. You and Ausra have fun. Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she says walking away with a wink in my direction.
Happy Birthday
KELLEY VISIBLY RELAXES the second his mother and sister leave the apartment. “Well fuck, that was a shit show if I ever saw one. I’m glad that Nora ruined the surprise, because if I had been made walk into that restaurant to find myself face to face with that man? Yeah, I’d have spent tonight in jail. For fucking murder.”
I take one step toward him, touching his hard, warm chest with my palm, feeling the strong, steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
“I don’t blame you.”
He circles my waist with one of his arms, pulling me closer. “I’m sorry you had to hear all that bullshit. But I guess now you know where I disappeared to the other day. I should’ve known that asshole was back in the picture the minute I found my mom black out drunk, face down on the couch. At least Nora now is old enough to call me. But I hate that she has to see Mom that way. You must think we’re the worst kind of trash there is.”
For the first time ever, I see Kelley show weakness. The lack of his usual tough exterior makes me like him more. It makes me feel closer to him.
I search his eyes with mine. “Trust me, my family isn’t perfect by any means. My dad cheated on my mom once and they managed to put it behind them but just because Mom took him back. At the time, I remember thinking that divorce was the best thing that could ever happen to my mom. She’s always lived in his shadow, never standing up for herself or for me and my sister. No matter how bad things got. I resent my parents for a lot of things, Kelley. So I’m the last person who would ever judge you.”