He hesitates. “Yeah, what’s up?”
My hand grips around the hard metal, and I pull it out, staring at the gun Summer had brought here. “Have her call Brentley. Things are about to get messy.”
Chapter Forty-two
I should’ve called it off.
When I saw the hatred in my father’s eyes in his office, I should have called everything with Alec off. A part of me knew having him involved would cause a shitty outcome. Instead, I let my emotions consume my better judgment.
It’s better this way.
Leaving with my father was the only choice I had, not only to keep Alec safe but also to keep everyone else around me safe.
The rugged metal barrel of my father’s gun presses roughly against my side. My ankle stings from being forced down each step. I fight through the pain, telling myself that I’ll finally see a doctor as soon as my father cools down.
The stale air does nothing but worsen my nerves. Only one thing crosses my mind—this is the end of everything.
But he’s safe now.
Without me in his life, Alec is safer.
Even if that means this is the end of my existence.
Dad opens the back door to his police car, shoving me inside. I nearly stumble, falling onto the back seat as he slams the door shut. I can’t escape from this even if I want to. I can’t run. There’s a reason Dad chose to bring the police car to collect me… the back doors don’t open from the inside. That was his goal. Trap me and drag me home.
My body is weak, and I am hardly able to scramble myself upright. I manage, though, not having a choice.
Dad pulls into the road, and it takes everything inside me not to look back, not to ruin my sacred heart any more than it already is.
“You are never to come back here. Do you understand me, Summer?” He says my name with such hatred.
I bite my tongue, not giving him the slightest acknowledgment. But that only angers him when he barks back at me, “Do. You. Understand?”
My eyes turn angrily, shifting to meet his stern gaze in the rearview mirror. “Yes. I understand, Father.”
After that, the car ride is silent. My eyes well up with tears that I don’t want Dad to see. I fight the urge to cry. At a moment like this, crying is nothing but weakness, and that’ll do me no good.
The moving scenery blends together as we pass each building. I almost didn’t notice we were back home. But it’s not my home anymore. As soon as I get inside, I’m going to pack as many of my things as I possibly can and leave again – far away from here.
I’m going to leave town.
It’s the only thing I can do to keep myself safe.
It’ll be easy, considering Dad never gave me a chance to gather my things at Alec’s, my phone included. I won’t be trackable. It’ll be like I no longer exist.
It’s for the best, I keep reminding myself.
When Dad kills the engine, my body tightens as he steps out and opens the door for me to get out. He grips my wrist again, this time tighter. It’s definitely going to leave a mark. I wince, putting pressure on my foot while he drags me onto the porch. If the neighbors were outside, they wouldn’t think anything of it with how close Dad stays to me.
He shuffles for his key on the key hoop. Once he has it, he aggressively shoves it in the door. “Locks were changed, and a keypad will be installed on the inside tomorrow.” He leans closer, tugging on my arm. “To ensure you will stay where you belong.”
My throat pinches. The door opens, and Dad pushes me inside, slamming the door shut.
“In the meantime, the lock on your door has been swapped, along with an alarm on your window.”
What the fuck?