My lips purse. “How about I get you something for the pain, and we can get some sleep?”

Summer nods. Her eyes drift close, and the scrunch in her face doesn’t go unnoticed as she struggles to contain more sobs. I push through the pain in my chest and move through the apartment to the medicine cabinet, where I keep all of my over-the-counter medications, and shuffle through them for Tylenol. When I find it, I hurry my way back into the room.

Popping open the bottle, I take out two capsules and open the water she left on the nightstand. “Here, this should help the swelling, too.”

Her eyes lock with mine before she slowly perks up, takes the two pills, and swallows them. I take the bottle from her hand and help her get comfortable again.

“Alec,” she whispers. “Thank you.”

My fingers breeze through her hair and slowly down her delicate face before I press my mouth to hers. “I love you.”

Chapter Forty


I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tired of the constant battle of emotions that continuously flow through my heart. One minute I’m fine, smiling and laughing with my new friends—my boyfriend. The next, I’m ugly crying and struggling to breathe.

I didn’t sleep well and was overheating from a horrible nightmare I had of my father. I had to strip down to cool my skin and relax my racing heart. Alec did the same, keeping me close against his skin as I drifted back to sleep. It’s the most solace I’ve felt since coming home. Being right here in Alec’s arms. I don’t know what it is about him that pulls me to the deep end of endless bliss, but I can’t get enough of it. The warmth he provides and the love he gives me is paradise.

It’s simple. He’s the glue that holds all the broken pieces of my heart together. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Goosebumps prickle my skin as he tugs me closer into the warmth of his hard body. I tremble a little from his hard length pressed against my abdomen, leaving me craving him. I look up at him. His eyes are still closed, and his breathing is calm and steady, but he’s awake. The light circles he draws up and down my spine are evidence.

I reach up, brushing away the few strands of his hair that dangle down his forehead. His lip twitches up. I love his smile. Any smile he offers me.

“Good morning, pretty girl.” His eyes sweep open slowly, and my heart flickers from the look in his hooded eyes. I could wake up like this daily and be the happiest girl on the planet.

I sigh happily. “Morning.”

Leaning forward, I press my lips to his, sucking his bottom into my mouth. He groans, pressing his length further into me.

“Desperate, are we?” he coos against my neck.

My cheeks heat. Warmth floods through my abdomen as he brings his mouth back to mine. It’s the perfect combination of gentle and rough. His arm tightens around my waist, and he turns his body abruptly, swinging me over so I’m cradling on top of him. The quick swap causes me to squeal.

“Look who’s the desperate one now,” I tease.

“I’m always desperate for you. Desperate to feel your soft skin and how wet you are just for me. Desperate for taste of your sweet flesh,” he moans between kisses along the expense of my neck. “You’re my heaven.”

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit is that I love the way he talks so dirty to me. I love everything this man does, and that brings me to last night when he told me he loved me before we fell asleep. I never said it back… again.

My insides coil. I do love him. I feel it in every cell of my body, my mind, and my heart. It’s everywhere, embedded into my soul like it belongs there. So, why can’t I get the words to come out of my mouth?

I blame it on fear, but truthfully, I’m not positive that’s the case.

Alec’s collapsed fingers run down my back, gripping my ass just right as he pushes me down into his cock. The need between my thighs is like a fire refusing to burn out.

“Alec,” I whisper.

“What is it?”

My mouth parts, but I close it and shake my head. “Nothing.” I bring my lips back down to his and roll my hips against him. Our breaths mingle together while his tongue laps over mine.

It’s perfect. He’s perfect. This moment is everything I need to start the day off right.

Until a loud bang pierces through my ears, startling me. I lean off Alec as he flings himself off of the bed.

My eyes are wide, and I stare at Alec worriedly.